9 embarrassing things we all do when we fancy someone
Nothing beats that butterflies-in-the stomach feeling when you have a crush on someone and suspect the feeling could be mutual.
But we've definitely let ourselves down a few times by turning into giggling messes whenever the object of our desire is within a ten foot radius.
Below are just some of the many, many ways we've embarrassed ourselves in front of a crush…
1. Giggling involuntarily any time he asks us a question
It would help if we had a cute laugh, at least.
2. Thinking so hard about what to say next that we forget what the conversation is about
"I'm sorry, you're going to have to repeat that… again."
3. Pretending we have the exact same interests as him
Ah, we can tell him later that we've never actually seen the Fast & Furious movie we discussed so intently on the first date.
4. Trying so much to smile that we forget how to smile
"Is this a smile or a grimace? I have no idea any more."
5. Acting overly aloof when he's around
In fact, sometimes we'd rather hide than play the "does he know I see him seeing ME?" game…
6. Social media stalking him to within an inch of his life
How else would we know what his ex looks like?
7. Analysing everything. And we mean everything
"He hasn't texted back in three minutes and last time it only took him two. He clearly hates me."
8. Freaking out when we get a message from him
9. Imagining what our kids would look like
Just in case, like.