Radiohead’s frontman Thom loses former partner to cancer at age 48
Radiohead's Thom Yorke's former partner Rachel Owen has passed away.
The pair were together for 23 years and only split up at the latter half of last year.
Rachel was a renowned artist in photography and print-making, and often taught classes in Pembroke College Oxford.
The university released a statement this afternoon: "It is with great sadness that the College marks the death of Dr Rachel Owen, who was a Retained Lecturer in Italian here at Pembroke.
"Dr Owen was an internationally-renowned artist – mixing photography and printmaking – and at the same time a scholar in medieval Italian literature. As Retained Lecturer, she used to teach Dante's Divine Comedy to Pembroke's finalists in Italian.
"Dr Owen's parallel passion for art and literature was already established in her university years at Exeter, where she studied Italian and Fine Art. She then moved to Royal Holloway, London, where she completed a PhD on the illustrations of the early manuscripts of Dante's Divine Comedy.
"Each year, her Pembroke students enjoyed the pleasure and the privilege of a guided tour through the manuscripts of the Divine Comedy held at the Bodleian Library.
"Despite her declining health from cancer in the last year, she asked to continue to teach, which she did right until the end of last Michaelmas term. She was 48 years old and leaves behind a son, Noah, and a daughter, Agnes, aged 15 and 12.
"One of her latest artistic productions was a series of prints inspired by the Cantos of Dante's first book of the Divine Comedy. The prints will be exhibited at Pembroke's JCR Art Gallery during Trinity term.
"Rachel Owen, died on Sunday 18th December."
Rachel and Thom met at Exeter and were together until their amicable spit in August 2015.