You HAVE to see little Sam from Love Actually now
When you watch the same films over and over every Christmas, it's easy to forget how much time has passed since they were released.
Take Love Actually, for example. It seems like a fairly 'modern' film right? Except for the lack of iPhones, obvz. But in reality, it's actually a whopping 12 years old, and we got a bit of a shock today when we realised that Thomas Brodie-Sangster, who played the adorably lovestruck Sam, is no longer a pre-teen.
Thomas, who is now 25 (yes, TWENTY FIVE YEARS OLD), appeared at Comic Con in San Diego recently, and we have to say that despite the years passing, Thomas is every bit as baby-faced as he was back in the early Noughties.
He probably hates hearing this, but he hasn't changed all that much 12 years on. In fact, the youthful actor still has trouble getting served down the pub. On a recent trip to Canada, he says he resorted to desperate measures when he was refused service at a bar and had no ID on him.
"For the first time in my life I got out my phone and looked myself up on IMDb," he told The Guardian back in April. "They laughed and even got me to sign my autograph. But they wouldn’t serve me that pint.”
Since starring as Liam Neeson's son in Love Actually, Thomas has had a pretty stellar acting career, with roles in Game of Thrones, Maze Runner, BBC's Wolf Hall adaptation and even a voice role in Phineas and Ferb.