Lose all your Tinder matches last night? People were freaking OUT
We're still not quite recovered, frankly.
Tinder users were dealt a swift kick right in the stomach last night when the app went down unexpectedly, taking with it all details of former matches.
We're experiencing some issues at the moment. Some users might not be able to log in. We apologize for the inconvenience.
— Tinder (@Tinder) March 14, 2016
That lad you were counting on for a cheeky shift on Paddy's night? Gone. The possibly-maybe-could-be-a-thing match you'd been flirting with for weeks? Gone. The one ridiculously inapproporiate chat you always look back over when you need a belly laugh? GONE.
Yup, the online dating app went down for a full five hours last night, and people were not coping very well at all. While the outage seemed to be worldwide, the time of day meant that users in Ireland, the UK and Europe really felt it most.
I just lost all of my tinder matches. This is the worst day ever. Like I didn't even get to say goodbye.
— Z Shabinsky (@zshabs) March 14, 2016
Deleted my tinder because it wasn't working and now I've downloaded it again and all my matches have gone. #allbymyselfffffff
— Adele (@adelepollo) March 14, 2016
.@Tinder get your shit together I am trying to meet my soulmate.
— Chris Alexander (@ChrisAlexand3r) March 14, 2016
So @Tinder is down. Anyone know any other apps women can ignore me on?
— Leo Blake Carter (@LeoBlakeCarter) March 14, 2016
Thankfully, service was back up by midnight, but if you still can't see your matches, the folks at Tinder recommend logging out and logging back in.
We're back! If it looks like your matches are gone, don't worry! Just log out & log back in – they're still there 🙂 pic.twitter.com/dfWNlygIHS
— Tinder (@Tinder) March 14, 2016
Order was restored.
All my tinder matches are back,
My many future husbands have returned to me— Becky (@beckyrebekah1) March 14, 2016
Never leave us again, Tinder.