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If you often end up leaving the bathroom with a trickle of blood down your shin, then read on – help is at hand!

Wet or dry shave
Shaving your legs when they are dry can leave you with razor burn so make sure they are wet. Luke warm water is best and make sure to use either a gel or foam.

Taking about gel or foam, what’s the best to go for?
Using a gel will mean you are less likely to nick your skin.

Direction: With or against hair growth?
Going against the hair will give you a better shave and it is definitely easier going from your ankle to your knee than the other way.

When to throw out the razor
You’ll only get about three uses from a disposable razor so chuck it after this.  It becomes blunt and you will be left with a few hairs on your legs.

Shower or bath
Either is just as good. The water running over your legs while you shower or bathe will soften the hairs, making it easier to get those hairs out.

Cleaning the blade
Clean your blade after every stroke to avoid a build up and don’t let it become dry – it will hurt alot!




There are very few things more nerve-wracking than asking your boss for a raise.

You’ve been working your backside off,  been with the company ages now and distinctly remember being told you were due a pay review any day now.

And yet, you chicken out at the last minute and reason with yourself that you’ll definitely do it next week.

Here are a few tips to use when asking for that raise:

Ask, don’t beg.
Your boss doesn’t really care that your commuting costs went up or you’re in desperate need of a wardrobe revamp. Don’t lead with why you need more money, but instead make it clear that you deserve it.

Be positive
The person who is constantly complaining about the workload isn’t someone who is likely to get that raise. It’s hard to want to push that person towards success when they seem to not care. Try to be upbeat and positive, showing your boss you’re up for any challenge.

Make a commitment
As well as showing your boss you deserve a raise due to brilliant performance, make he or she a few promises about how you will continue to improve your work, so that the company will continue to benefit for years to come. Asset is you’re middle name!

Be confident, not cocky
It’s good to show (and fake) confidence when talking to your boss, but don’t ever be cocky. Confidence shows your boss that you believe in yourself and your skills, and that you are grateful for the opportunity. However, arrogance will just rub your boss up the wrong way.

Timing is everything
Strike while the iron is hot. You’ll increase your chances of success if you ask your boss during an opportune time. Wait until the company has had a good few months, you get praise for a job well done, or even just catch your boss in a good mood.



OK, so we know all the obvious things that get in the way of a good nights’ sleep.

No caffeine, lavender under our pillow, no laptop or iPhone before bed – great advice, but there’s some other pesky reason we’re still missing out on those Zzzzzzs.

Here are some surprising things that are ruining your sleep:

Decaf coffee
Shocker! Decaf doesn’t always mean caffeine-free. Some products contain up to 10 milligrams of caffeine – enough to keep you awake – so check the label before you sip!

Total silence
Women are hard-wired to be way more sensitive to noises at night, as we’re instinctively on alert for crying babies! So the slightest creak or squeak in utter silence can awaken you from slumber. Some gentle music or a sleep sounds app can help here.

Nightly work outs
High-impact exercise less than three hours before bed could leave you with an energy rush. If you tend to work out late at night, take a bath before bed to lower your body temperature. Add some lavender oil for an even better nights’ sleep.

A too-early bedtime
If eight hours is good, 12 is not better. Even if you’re super tired, messing with your normal sleeping schedule will leave you staring wide-eyed at the ceiling into the small hours. Resist the sleepiness as much as you can and avoid naps.

Scented face washes
Right before bed is the one time you want to calm down all five senses. Scents like peppermint and lemon are more likely to make you feel more awake so stay away from shower gels and face washes with hues of both.

The nightcap
While a nightcap might seem like a good idea if you’re wide awake, alcohol is one of the worst things for good-quality sleep. Try cherry juice instead—it contains melatonin, a sleep hormone.


OK, so we’re loving the longer evenings and the nice weather – but the hay fever sufferers among us are already dreading that seasonal pollen scourge.

Red nose, watery eyes, puffy cheeks –  not exactly the summer trend you were going for.

Here are a few tips to help beat that nasty pollen before the summer really kicks off.

Be prepared
If you’re someone who has suffered from hay fever before, try and identify what kind of pollen it is you’re allergic to. The general rule is that tree pollen kicks off earliest, before grass pollen takes hold and then weed pollen rounds things off in August. Once you’re as sure as you can be that you know which pollen affects you, take action before your pollen spores make an appearance. Research shows that those who take antihistamines before the pollen seasons begin are less likely to suffer really bad hay fever symptoms once the allergens are in the air.

Go easy on the alcohol
Those suffering from the summer sniffles are often tempted to drink away the symptoms but in fact, hay fever sufferers are best off avoiding most types of alcohol. Champagne, wine, beer and many spirits contain the chemical known to set off allergy symptoms. Obviously, you still want to enjoy your summer, so just maybe avoid the cocktails when your hay fever is really playing up.

Close your windows
Keeping your windows closed may not be the nicest thing if the weather is sticky, but if you can bear it, don’t open them at all while you know there’s pollen in the air. If you don’t let the pollen into your house then at least, you’ll only be suffering the effects of hay fever when you’re outside.

Change your clothes
Similarly, if you shower and change or wash your clothes after coming in from outside, you will remove the pollen from your body and your hay fever won’t play up once you’re in the comfort of your own home.

Check the pollen count
Plenty of weather forecast websites also have a pollen forecast and whilst this can’t be 100 per cent accurate, it does give you a pretty good idea of which days are going to be less of a nightmare for you than others.

See a doctor
If over-the-counter remedies just aren’t doing the trick, there may be some treatment available on prescription. Don’t be afraid to ask your GP about your hay fever, particularly if supposedly non-drowsy antihistamines are making you too tired to lead your life as normal.



We can’t keep up with celebrities like Kelly Osbourne or Katy Perry’s fun hair colour changes.

Powder pink one day, slime green the next!

If you want in on this fun trend – even just for the weekend – follow these tips to make sure it’s not a hairy-rising disaster!

Do a trial run first
If you’re a fun colour newbie but are itching to try some bold colours, don’t book your hair appointment just yet. Try out different colours to see what looks good on you, with clip-in pieces or hair chalk.

Go to a professional
A colourist will be able to help you choose the colour and apply it the right way. This will save your bathroom from looking like a Skittles advert and save you from looking like a circus clown! They’ll also be able to talk you through the necessary upkeep that goes along with your hair colour choice.

Less is more
If you’re a fun colour newbie, you might want to avoid going  for a full head of crazy colours first off. Try adding a pop of colour into your highlights or bold colours just onto your ends instead.

Invest in a good shampoo
To keep your new look bright for as long as possible, make sure you have a good colour-safe shampoo and conditioner. You can also use colour-depositing shampoos and conditioners to keep certain tones brighter for longer.



Being afraid of flying is very common so you are not alone. However, while most of your fears are in your head, it doesn’t make flying any easier.

To help keep you calm on your next flight, try these little tips to see if you feel any better:

Listen to the safety advice
Many people feel listening to the advice will make them think about crashing; however, knowing what to do in the rare case of an emergency will actually help to calm you down.

Bring plenty of entertainment
Pack a bag full of magazines, books, pens, music and crosswords and try to focus your attention on the in-flight movies. Keeping your mind occupied will help you not think about the fact that you are in the air.

Talk to the person beside you
If you are flying with friends, ask them to keep you distracted during take-off, turbulence and landing. If you are flying alone, engage the person next to you in conversation. Talk about anything other than the fact that you are on a plane.

Look out the window
Unless your fear is down to you not liking heights, look out the window. This will help you understand a lot of the motions of the plane e.g. if it is turning, going up or going down.



Excessive blinking, looking to the left or covering their mouth.

These are all signs someone is telling you fibs.

Watch this handy video and try it out on your bestie tonight – “So you’ve idea how that wine stain ended up on my favourite dress then?”



There’s an art to flirting—and we have the science to back it up.

Studies suggest that flirting skills could be even more important than looks in helping snag your crush – so get practising ladies!

Here are some appealing facts about flirting that might help you to reel in the dates.

1. Eye contact can make you more attractive
Once you get that whole smiling thing down, flash those peepers. Not only is it a major signal that you’re interested, but eye contact can actually make your crush fancy you more than he did before you start batting your eyelashes at him.

2. Touching is a must
While men need to play it cool when it comes to this one (nobody likes a groper!), a gentle touch on the shoulder, the forearm or the knee from you is a primitive bonding exercise that will make him go weak at the knees.

3. How you hold your head could make all the difference
Scientists have found that you’re most alluring when you angle your head forward, so you’re forced to look ever-so slightly upward. This creates a more feminine look, and we know how guys dig that.

4. The power of red is a real thing
Whether you choose red lips or a red dress, this is the colour of power and confidence, that will bring all eyes to you. The ‘red dress effect’ not only helps in attention-getting, but also makes women appear more open to sexual advances. This may or may not be what you want, but it is something to consider before going out on the prowl.

5.  It’s good for you!
Weird, right? But those who get their flirt on and do so regularly are walking around with higher white blood-cell counts making them healthier.


Before you get that foam roller out, make sure you are ready and know how to use it, as it can hurt.

Before and after workout
Use your roller before you start your workout and after. It is great to help recovery but it is also petty useful for warming up and stretching your muscles. It increases circulation so your muscles are getting more oxygen than if you just stretched.

Slow down
Yes, it can hurt so slow down. Rushing through won’t be of any benefit and it will still be sore. Make sure you focus in on areas where rolling hurts the most as your body needs it more here.

Don’t go one way
Make sure you use the roller to go in all directions and not just up and down. Extend and flex the joint as you use the roller.

Do it everyday
We know it hurts but you should do it every day. Think of it as brushing your teeth, you wouldn’t clean your teeth one day and not the next.




Cindy Crawford is 48 years old and still manages to not look a day over thirty.

While the model likes to maintain her appearance, she doesn’t get too bogged down with it and admits her biggest beauty indulgence is a massage.

Talking to InStyle magazine, she said: “Massages are my biggest beauty indulgence; I try to get one every two weeks.”

Although, she did admit that she gets a “microdermabrasion facial every five to six weeks.”

However, she explains that her beauty regime doesn’t come naturally saying:  “My mother never wore make-up and only used soap and water to clean her face, so when I moved to New York to start modelling, I had a lot to learn. Now I take a few minutes, morning and night to apply my anti-ageing skincare”

The model says she is careful to apply SPF when outside and admits to sacrificing nuts and wine for the sake of her beauty.


Sinus pain is quite frankly a pain. It’s uncomfortable and your whole face can feel like someone is punching you from the inside.

Sinus issues are usually caused by a dry nose which leads to congestion or allergens which cause the nasal membranes to swell. Fortunately, there are things you can do that don’t involve taking painkillers.

Warm facecloth
Place a damp, warm cloth over your sinus area to stimulate mucus movement.

Facial massage
Gently massage your face in circular motions focusing on the bridge of your nose, forehead and cheekbones. The pressure should help to unblock the sinus area.

Wash your nose out
Mix a little salt with warm water and put it just below your nostril. Breathe in normally but make sure it doesn’t go down the back of your throat.  It should help to clear your nose a little.

Breathe in some vapours
Mix some pepper and mint leaves in a bowl of boiling water. Put your head over the bowl and cover it with a towel.  The vapours should help to open your airways.


There is nothing like getting a good night’s sleep after a long day. But unfortunately for some, sleep doesn’t come easily no matter how tired you may be.

Thankfully, there are ways to deal with insomnia, whether you suffer regularly or every once in a while.

Limit caffeine and alcohol
Try not have a caffeinated drink including coffee and some fizzy drinks at least three hours before bed. It may be hard but you will be thankful after a good’s night sleep.

Turn off technology
Technology is a huge distraction so make your room a technology-free zone. Turn off your phone before you enter your bed and avoid having a TV in your room.

Make your room inviting
Sleeping or try to sleep in a room that has clothes on the floor or mess all over a desk will do nothing to help you sleep. Clear it up and make your room nice and cosy.

Relaxing music
Make sure your room is dark and play some relaxing music. Avoid chart songs and pick up a relaxation CD.
