So THIS is what Tom had to say about Robert Downey Jr’s Insta jibe
Tom Hiddleston and Swifty fans alike were delighted this week when Tom joined Instagram.
But no one was more delighted the Robert Downey Jr. He played a little joke on his Marvel co-star that we're sure he's been waiting ages to do.
Mocking Tom's 'I <3 TS' top, Rob shared the picture and said: “Join me in welcoming the biggest T. Stark fan of them all to Instagram! @twhiddleston.”
But now, Tom has had his say on the whole thing.
"Robert and I are very close and I got to know him working on the Avengers in 2011," he told the LA Times.
"There's a lot of mutual affection. I feel like it's an expression of mutual admiration. It's great. He's very sweet."
Tom added: "And within the Marvel universe there's a lot of that going on – a lot of throwing paper aeroplanes."
However, Robert took his love even further yesterday. Just look:
(Tom's first IG photo was of him dressed as Loki).
These lads the bomb.