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Ever thought about quitting your job and travelling the world? 

Of course you have.

But unlike us, this woman actually did it – and it's as amazing as it sounds. 

At just 19-years-old, Aileen Adalid entered the corporate world after graduating from the Philippines', De La Salle University, with a degree in business management.

Her entry level bank job paid just $300 per month, so in a bid to make ends meet, Aileen began freelancing on the side. 

The flexible lifestyle of a ''digital nomad'' was looking more and more attractive, and at 21 she quit her job to become a multi-tasking freelancer.

Largely sustained by one stable client, Aileen spent the next year taking on project in graphic design, web design, SEO management, and online marketing.

During this time, her salary doubled and the flexible nature of the work allowed her to travel around the world. 

In 2014, Aileen moved to Belgium after her and a friend started their own online health and outdoor accessories business, Adalid Gear. 

Her blog, I Am Aileen also began to gain traction among the online travelling community. 

Combining all her digital ventures, Aileen now back in her native Philippines, takes home a nifty $5,000 per month, and remains flexible enough to travel at least once a month. 

The nomadic freelancer told Business Insider her advice to others looking to work and travel: “Always think long-term.''

''Surely, it's fine to take it easy at the start as you get skills and do temporary work and projects, like volunteering, but at the very core, it's still best to work your way towards a grand goal that will give you a more stable remote profession.”

Aileen's long-term goal is to continue to grow her businesses and to travel to every country in the world.

You can check out her adventures on her blog, I Am Aileen, or on Facebook and Instagram. Warning – you'll be sick with envy. 

Feature image: Instagram



Have you ever been scrolling through Instagram and spotted a tanned, luminous-limbed travel blogger lounging in a roof top pool straddling the ultimate travel accessory, the inflatable pool float?

Well that girl could soon be you thanks to Penneys' exceptional range of pool floats.

We may not get the weather for them here, but these bad boys are on the market in Irish Penneys stores.

Penneys Unicorn Float €12.00

The perfect thing to pack a punch in the pool on holidays, Penneys is supplying the floats in a host of eclectic shapes and characters, including everyones' favourite mythical creature, the unicorn. 

There are also doughnuts, swans and flamingos, including mini floating flamingo drinks holders. 


'Finally found one that isn't too heavy to take on hols, plus it's only €12,' said Insta-famous travel blogger Nadia El Ferdaoussi, captioning a snap of her swan float on Instagram. 

'And yes that's a mini floatie flamingo drinks holder, never leaving home without it again.'

The bloggers have spoken, and if it's good enough for them…

Feature image: Instagram


In today's current political climate, the vast majority of us prioritise safety above much else when shortlisting potential holiday destinations.

Considering this, it may be worth noting research collated by the World Economic Forum and published in its Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report.

According to the data which focussed on 136 economies, Finland is the safest, most secure country to travel to in the world.

"Finland remains the safest destination globally, despite rising concerns in most Europe, including Finland, regarding terrorism," reads the report 

According to reports featuring the data, researchers came to the conclusion based on 'sets of factors and policies that enable the sustainable development of the travel and tourism sector, which in turn, contributes to the development and competitiveness of a country."

In addition to being named the safest country, Finand was recently placed fifth on a United Nations' list of 'happiest countries'.

Coming in behind Finland in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report was the United Arab Emirates, Iceland, Oman, Hong Kong, Singapore, Norway, Switzerland, Rwanda and Qatar.

Oh, and while we have you; don't forget to have your say in the inaugural SHEmazing Awards this May! It's time to vote, and you can do it right here!



Summer is right around the corner, and we've already started thinking about where we want to jet off to on our holidays.

There is nothing better than taking a city break with friends or heading off to the sun, but it can be seriously inconvenient if we forget something along the way.

Here are a few things we always forget, so make sure you put them on your list of travel essentials. 

1. Toothbrush

This is definitely the most important essential that people forget to bring all the time.

The best thing to do is have a travel toothbrush specifically ready for going on holidays with you, that way you can leave your usual one at home to languish without worrying about having to remember it the morning of your flight. 

SONIC Chic has just unveiled their Urban Collection, which includes six gorgeous, holiday-worth designs that fit perfectly into your travel bag. 

The eclectic range of electric toothbrushes are available from Boots for a complete bargain at €14.95.


2. Flip flops

There is no excuse to forget flip flops when you can get them cheap as chips on the high street and in Penneys. 

Buying them at home before you go is a good option, as often seaside vendors abroad charge a bit more for them, knowing that people have forgotten them at home. 

Penneys have so many gorgeous styles at the moment, including these two pairs, which come in at only €1.00 and €2.00 respectively. 

3. Chargers and adapters

You can pick up adapters easily in the airport on your way, but be sure to hold on to them when you return so you can use them again and again. 

Chargers are another often forgotten item, so make sure you have one stashed away in the pocket of your handbag at all times. 

4. Headphones 

There is nothing worse than having a long journey ahead of you with no headphones available. 

These can be bought from pretty much anywhere, but it's so annoying to have to spend money on something you already have at home, so make sure to pack these the night before. 


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5. Tea bags 

Yes, we know it's a bit of a cliché, but sometimes all you want in the evenings is a decent cuppa. 

Just pop a few tea bags in your case for emergencies and you're good to go.

The tea bags can also help keep your clothes fresh on long-haul flights thanks to the odour absorbing power of tea. 

Feature image: Instagram/pavlinajagrova



Is this a little sign that travelling around the city may be getting a little bit easier?!

It has been announced that a brand spankin' new DART station is going to be opened near the Kiliney area in South Dublin.

The new stop will be called Woodbrook Shanganagh, which is being built to coincide with the government's plan to build new houses in Dublin City.

However, don't get too excited just yet, because it'll be about four years until the new station will be complete.

Still though, this will be a great addition to people living and commuting in the area!


Ah, the Camino de Santiago; most of you will have either done it, heard of it, or aspire to complete it, right?

Traditionally beginning in France and ending at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia northwestern Spain, this 800km walk is undertaken by hundreds of thousands of walkers and cyclists each year.

And while it's easily one of the most awe-inspiring trips you could embark on, it's also one which requires a whole lot of preparation.

As someone who has completed the first 300km of it (and has every intention of finishing it… some day), I lost count of the amount of things I learned along the way, and wished I had known sooner.

With that in mind, here are just 11 things you need to know if you plan to pilgrim it up.

1. You will become obsessed with the quality of your socks.

People bang on about hiking boots before they head off, but only true pilgrims will know that it all comes down to the socks you wear.

Investing in socks made for hiking is ESSENTIAL if you don't want to spend your entire trip limping in agony while your fellow pilgrims, who splashed the extra cash on purpose-built socks, stride ahead without a care.

Purchasing two or three pairs of walking socks is the first thing you need to do if you're even THINKING of getting your Camino on.

   1000 mile All Terrain Sock 

2. You will rub Vaseline on your feet in front of strangers.

Completing the Camino with relative ease means you need to know ALL the tips and tricks to protect your feet from blisters and cuts.

And that's where Vaseline comes in.

Coating your feet in Vaseline before slipping into your socks each morning will protect them, and give you a serious sense of satisfaction when you know you're setting off on that day's hike.

3. You will lust after people with plastic cutlery

Keeping your rucksack light is the name of the game from the get-go, but that should never mean sacrificing useful items in order to facilitate lighter, less important items.

With that in mind, it's important to carry items which may not be readily available when you're snacking on the go during your walk, and that means carrying a handy cutlery set.

While there are pit stops along the way, they may not provide you with cutlery, and hacking at a block of cheese with a set of keys is not how you want to spend your break-time.

4. You will not care what you look like.

I'll be honest, the thought of going a fortnight without a hairdryer, straightener or makeup bag left me feeling a little cold, but within 12 hours of walking, I completely stopped caring what I looked like.

When you're walking, all you care about are the views and the destination. And when you arrive all you care about is a hot shower, good food and clean bed.

Anything else is completely and utterly inconsequential – believe me.

5. You will be more than happy with just two sets of clothes

The idea of alternating between just two sets of clothes for a fortnight (or longer) sounds rank, but it's the only way to go if you want to ensure a light pack.

The vast majority of hostels you stay at will have laundry facilities, so lugging anything more with you will seem pretty foolhardy when you have the option to rinse and dry your clothes most evenings.

You will get into a routine with your clothes pretty quickly, and won't think twice about your supposed 'lack' of outfits.

6. You will want to start early…

You may not be an early riser by nature, but on the Camino, you'll find yourself setting off between 6am and 8am most mornings.

Pilgrims tend to make the most of the mornings, so they can make the most of the evenings in their new destination.

And trying to sleep through a dorm of hikers getting ready for eight hours of walking isn't the easiest, so follow suit and get started around sun-up.

7. …but not too early…

Don't make the mistake of starting so early, you're walking in the dark for a prolonged period of time.

While it might seem tempting to get a jumpstart on the day, there is nothing relaxing about hiking an isolated stretch of the route in the pitch dark with only the sound of your heartbeat to keep you company.

Safety is your absolute priority at all points on the route, so always walk in pairs or with a group, and never, ever diverge from the track.

8. You will realise you can send your rucksack ahead each day

You may intend to walk the entire route with bag on back, but sometimes life intervenes, and you decide that you're going to send your bag ahead each day.

When I realised my rucksack was considerably larger than others, and didn't fit my frame thereby causing considerable discomfort, I decided to make use of the transport service, and instantly felt better.

Do anything you can to make the hike easy on yourself, and don't feel obliged to do anything that causes pain or anxiety just because other people have done it.

9. You will surprise yourself

Whether it's your determination, motivation, or ability to overlook the little things, the Camino will test you, and ultimately remind you that you're made of pretty stern stuff.

It's a trip like no other, and in turn, will provide you with a sense of accomplishment few other trips can do.


#Throwback #Spain #Camino

A post shared by Niamh McClelland (@niamhomac) on

10. It will be hard

Chances are you will have at least one day which you will remember with a pang of horror.

Mine was the first day when we made our way across the Pyrenees; I had no concept of distance, my rucksack hurt like hell and I questioned why I ever got myself involved in the first place.

But that period of anguish gave way to the kindness and advice of other pilgrims, and ultimately provided me with the tips and tricks needed to navigate the rest of the journey with ease.

11. But it will also be unforgettable

There's a reason millions of people have taken time out of their lives to walk miles across France and Spain, and you only truly get it when you do it yourself.

Whether its about taking stock, finding yourself, testing your limits or taking time out of the rat race, the Camino can be whatever you want it to be.

And forgettable, it is not.


#Throwback #OnTheRoad #Spain #Camino #MapOfTheWorld

A post shared by Niamh McClelland (@niamhomac) on

Oh, and while we have you; don't forget to have your say in the inaugural SHEmazing Awards this May! It's time to vote, and you can do it right here!


Are you unnaturally excited about the live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast? Then you have come to the  right place. 

We have discovered the most magical afternoon tea ever, and you will LOVE it. 

Image result for beauty and the beast afternoon tea

The Kensington Hotel in London is now offering a magical Beauty and the Beast themed afternoon tea called "Tale as Old as Time," and it honestly looks amazing. 

The tea set is Beauty and the Beast inspired (hello Mrs Potts and Chip), and the the food is inspired by the Disney classic. 

Image result for beauty and the beast afternoon tea

Some of the delicious highlights of the spread include a spiced snow ball macaroon and a chocolate clock tart made of chocolate ganache, featuring an image of the lovable Cogsworth’s face. 

The teas costs €45 per person, or €55 if you’d like a glass of champagne (because, why not?).

Image result for beauty and the beast afternoon tea

The Tale as Old as Time Afternoon Tea is available now on Saturdays and Sundays, and will be until the end of June. 

The perfect way to spend an afternoon. 



There has never been a more popular time to go city hopping, with weekend breaks as cheap as chips, thanks to the many low cost airlines.

And while gushing over the merits of Italy, Slovenia, Poland, or Belgium is inevitable – we shouldn't forget the gems on our own doorsteps either.

Nor should you wait for out-of-town visitors to give you the nudge you need.

However, if you still need some convincing as to why this is such a great idea, here are six reasons you NEED to explore your city today:

1. You’ll learn something new

No one knows EVERYTHING there is to know about where they live, so you’ll at least learn something new.

2. You will meet new people

You can never have too many friends, or know too many people. Sometimes chatting to a perfect stranger in a pub can be so enlightening.

3. It can be refreshing

Strolling around your town when you have the time to take in the sights can be so relaxing, not to mention eye-opening.

With the hustle and bustle of the daily commute, we sometimes forget the beauty that surrounds us.

4. Culture

There are so many fascinating places to visit throughout Ireland, such as the National History Museum in Dublin, the Ballincollig gunpowder mills in Cork, Lismore Castle in Waterford, the Battle of Aughrim visitor centre in Galway, and the Carromore Megalithic cemetery in Sligo, so you will be spoiled for choice. You will also benefit by expanding your knowledge on your country’s heritage.

5. You will be inspired

We all draw inspiration from different things. Exploring your city could inspire you to write, travel more, or learn more about the history of your country, and its people.

6. Get an alternative view

No doubt there is at least one viewing point in your city or town. After you have explored the streets, it can be so nice to see the panoramic view during the day or at night. Looking at the city lights at night is beautiful, and magical.

Go forth, explore, and stay curious!

Photos from around Ireland, Credit to Discover Ireland.



If ever there was a day to pack up and jet off (even if only for a mini-break) today is that day. 

And while circumstances may decree that we simply hibernate until February, if you come across a forgotten few pennies in a Christmas card – that cash could go very far indeed.

Yup, SHEmazing! has now trawled through the Ryanair sale for a bargain… coming up with these gems for your consideration.


1) Cork to Malaga

Leave: Sunday, January 22

Return: Wednesday, January 25

Cost: €63

Note: It's currently 18C and sunny in the south of Spain.


A photo posted by Rafa Sequeira (@rafasequeira) on

2) Dublin to Brussels 

Leave: Monday, January 23

Return: Monday, January 30

Cost: €20

Note: The River Jazz Festival will be taking place at the time.


A photo posted by Cibeli Maciel (@cibelimaciel) on

3) Shannon to Berlin

Leave: Monday, January 23

Return: Friday, January 27

Cost: €51

Note: Berlin is still a gorgeous winter wonderland right now.

4) Dublin to Cologne

Leave: Saturday, January 21

Return: Wednesday, January 25

Cost: €46

Note: The local Kölsch beer is best sampled on home-soil.

5) Cork to Liverpool 

Leave: Sunday, January 22

Return: Wednesday, January 25

Cost: €26

Note: The Tate Liverpool is holding a free Tracey Emin exhibition at the time. 


A photo posted by Tate Liverpool (@tateliverpool) on

6) Dublin to Paris

Leave: Wednesday, January 25

Return: Wednesday, February 1

Cost: €37

Note: A notorious pricey city, Paris is a lot more affordable at this time of year. 


A photo posted by Futuradria Viaggi (@futuradria) on

7) Dublin to Amsterdam 

Leave: Tuesday, January 24

Return: Wednesday, February 1

Cost: €42

Note: Tulip season is kicking off – so visit the world's only floating flower market, Bloemenmarkt.


A photo posted by Francesca (@fra.ric) on

8) Kerry to Frankfurt 

Leave: Monday, January 30

Return: Friday, February 3

Cost: €34.50

Note: So much more than a commercial hub, Frankfurt's foodie scene is amazing. Try Vevay.


A photo posted by Katarina⛈ (@vvsions) on


There are certain places in the world that really have to be seen to be believed.

If you are planning a trip for 2017, but have no clue where you want to go, then you have come to the right place.

Whether you are a beach goer, a party animal, or a sight-seeing city lover, we have you covered. 

Check out our top 8 holiday spots for 2017…

Image result for woman going on holiday

New Orleans, United States

Whether it's music, culture or partying, New Orleans is the city for you!

Gorge on delicious beignets (fried doughnuts) while people watching at the Café du Monde, or take a glorious historical stroll through the French Quarter. 

Image result for new orleans

The night life in this crazy city is something that needs to be seen to be believed (seriously, the bars don't close), and there is jazz music playing everywhere you go. 

Image result for new orleans

You can also take a high speed thrill ride down the Bayou swamp, and visit old plantations. 

Image result for new orleans plantation tour

Seriously… this ghostly city ticks every SINGLE box. 

Krakow, Poland

The gem of Eastern Europe, visiting Krakow is like something out of a fairytale (but with really cheap booze). 

Image result for krakow

While it will be tempting to just go out every night, there are so many amazing things to do in this city that should take precedence. 

Travel 135 metres underground to visit the stunning Wieliczka salt mines, or take a jaunt up to the mountain village of Zakopane, for some serious views (and sledding).

Image result for zakopane poland

If you are a history nerd, then you can also tour Auschwitz concentration camp, which may be upsetting but it is something worth seeing. 

All in all, Krakow is perfection. 

Havana, Cuba

Take a step back in time this year, and visit the amazing Cuban city of Havana!

Image result for havana cuba

The beaches, the colours and the CARS are all sights to behold… plus the night life is fantastic. 

While you're there, you absolutely have to try guarapo… it's freshly squeezed sugar cane juice and it is to die for! 

Image result for havana cuba

Havana is one of those places that you can just walk around for hours, and never get bored! 

Toronto, Canada

Canada is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, with cities like Vancouver, Montreal and Calgary all worth a visit. 

However, Toronto is at the top of our Canadian list, and for good reason! 

Image result for toronto

Toronto has a booming foodie scene, with deliciousness on every corner. Have a wander through the gloriously bohemian Kensington market, and explore all the amazing food Toronto has to offer. 

When you've had enough to eat, head to the historic distillery district and explore the car-less cobbled streets of what was once the British Empire's largest distillery.

Image result for toronto distillery district

Also, if you need a break from the city life, you can visit the breathtaking Niagara Falls, which is just 90 minutes away. 


Tokyo, Japan

Fancy a trip into the future? Because that is exactly what Tokyo feels like. 

Japan's busy capital city is bursting with culture, excitement and the BEST sushi you will ever taste (obviously).

Image result for tokyo cherry blossoms

Head to the Tsukiji market, and devour some of the freshest, and most delicious food on earth.

Also, if you plan the trip correctly, you could see the beautiful cherry blossoms blooming… which is something Japan is famous for. 

Image result for tokyo imperial palace

Not that anyone needs another excuse to visit, but it is important to note that there is also a DISNEYLAND in Tokyo. 

*books flights immediately*

Cape Town, South Africa

This beautiful part of South Africa offers tourists the best restaurants, creativity and outdoor activities (keeping everyone happy). 

Image result for cape town

The whole city is breathtakingly beautiful, but beautiful the Table Mountain National Park is really Cape Town's crown jewel.

There are countless tours and adventures to go on, including hiking, biking and cave diving (yes please!). 

Image result for table mountain

There are also world famous eateries, luxury spas and pretty cool shops through this remarkable city. 

Reykjavik, Iceland

Described by Lonely Planet as "a little city with a big soul", Iceland's capital city is, without a doubt, one of most majestic places in the world. 

The pretty streets are lined with colourful, and beautiful buildings that are all perfectly Insta-worthy. 

Image result for reykjavik

One thing that should not be missed when in this stunning laces is the Aurora Borealis, or the Northern lights.

The music scene in Reykjavik is also unreal, with epic festivals and gigs on all the time. 

Image result for northern lights reykjavik

The beauty of Iceland is that it can be done as a long weekend, or a longer holiday. 

Sign us up. 



If you, like the rest of us, are daydreaming about lying on a beach somewhere, your holiday plans are about to get a whole lot better. 

Throughout 2017, the US Virgin Islands will be celebrating their 100th anniversary and will pay for you to holiday there. Yes, you read that right.

All you have to do is book through their website VisitUSVI.com for a minimum stay of three nights – would ya go for any less? –  at any of the participating hotels.

The Department of Tourism will then send you $300 to spend on activities – you don’t have to ask us twice!

This OFFER is to celebrate the United States officially regaining control of St Thomas, St John and St Croix islands from Denmark in 1916.

TTo top that off, if you go in March –  the actual month of the centennial –  you will receive a commemorative souvenir from the DOT.


The clear shallow waters that surround the USVI offer perfect conditions to explore the coral reefs. Photo by wiiam.a via Twitter

A photo posted by United States Virgin Islands (@visitusvi) on

The $300 in paper credits can be used like cash at participating venues for visiting museums, eco-tours, food tours and outdoorsy activities like kayaking, hiking, diving and much more.

So, if you’ve been putting off booking your summer holiday, now’s the time to get cracking.



January is well recognised nationally as the leanest, meanest month of the year.

Christmas has passed, we spent all of our money on pub trips and presents, and our jeans are alarmingly tight.

If there's one sure fire way to cheer ourselves up, it's a holiday, but on our January budgets that's not very likely. 

Thankfully Ryanair is stepping up and providing it's customers with a host of cheap flights in January to some seriously covetable destinations.

And when we say cheap, we mean cheap, with seats going for €9.99.

You have to act quickly though, as the sale ends at midnight tonight. 

"We’ve put 100,000 seats on sale from just €9.99 for travel on over 200 routes until the end of the month," said Ryanair spokesperson Robin Kiely. 

"These sale seats are only available for booking until midnight tonight, Thursday, so customers should log on to the Ryanair.com website and book a January break to look forward to right away."

Destinations include London, Frankfurt, Brussels and Manchester, so booking a city break has literally never been cheaper. 
