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Whether you are heading to beautiful Bali, staying in Ireland or hitting the beaches of San Diego you can have the holiday of a lifetime.

Just remember these tips:

Know what you want from it
No matter where you go there will always be somewhere or something you want to do there that you have never done before, like sky diving, surfing or just wanting to stay away from the tourist track. Write a list of what you want to do on the holiday and just do it – the crazier the better.

Book a hotel
Make sure you have somewhere to stay when you get there. While backpacking across Asia will mean you won’t be able to book all your accommodation, booking a room for when you land for the first few days will give you a chance to recover and get to know your surrounding area.

Don’t have an overloaded itinerary
While you might only have a limited amount of time to go exploring don’t overload your time with activities – you will end up only experiencing half of what you go to see. Choose a couple of things that you really want to see and do – an overloaded itinerary will leave you tired and stressed out.

Bring people you like
This goes without saying – how can you possibly enjoy your trip if you are stuck with someone you really can’t stand. Go with someone who is on the same wavelength as you and who wants to do the same things – you’ll have more fun this way!

Image via Pinterest



Five hotels in Paris are pumping up their publicity this summer, by allowing customers to pay what they think their stay was worth.

Aldric Duval, the manager of the four-star Tour d’Auvergne hotel explains the idea behind the scheme:

“What we’re trying to do is see what our guests think of us, and how much they’re prepared to pay.

“They’ll fill out a questionnaire at the end of their stay giving the reasons for the value they’ve placed on our service. Of course, the risk for us is that someone may not be happy, in which case they’ll offer a low price, but we’re confident in the quality of our hotel and our staff.”

The hotels will then review their rates, according to the response from customers.

Apparently sales figures of businesses that introduce these kinds of schemes generally go up, rather than down.

If you want to avail of this scheme you have to book through the website payezcequevousvoulez.net, but hurry, each hotel is only putting two or three rooms aside for the scheme, so we imagine they’re going to fill up pretty quick.

It’s probably best not to feign horror at the ‘state’ of your room, and only pay a couple of euro as the experiment could be extended if it works out and people don’t abuse it. Though it would be tempting!




Love camping, but don’t fancy the idea of sleeping in a smelly tent? Well, you need to go glamping.

Glamping is the camping for girls who like a little luxury but still know how to rough it, slightly…

These three spots are perfect for the Bank Holiday weekend:

Grove Land Glamping, Killarney, Co. Kerry
Want adventure with a little bit of comfort then you need to head here. There are Bell tents with double beds, patio furniture, fuel stove, an iPod dock and even carpet – sounds like bliss. If it all gets too much for you, you can even head to the leisure club and spa at Randles Court Hotel.

River Valley Holiday Park, Co. Wicklow
Now this is camping with a difference! Here you can rent a microlodge that comes equipped with a kettle and fridge – absolute necessities! Why not rent a Kukoo Hut which is designed like a bird house!

Whispering Willow Galway Glamping Co. Galway
Book a Mongolian Yurt and feel like you are in Central Asia or a Bell tent and pretend you are on safari in Africa or why not just go for a cabin right beside the Abbert River.



Talk about a no-frills airline! Seriously, if the latest concept is brought in to aeroplanes we’ll be catching the boat.

Economy seating is about to change a whole lot and not necessarily for the better. Airbus, who manufacture aeroplanes, has designed a new type of seat that will mean airlines will be able to squish more passengers onto them – 50 more passengers to be exact.

The seats are similar to bicycle saddles and don’t look particularly comfortable, although the patent filing does acknowledge the “reduced comfort” adding that it is more “tolerable for passengers” going short-haul. Eh, really?

Mary Anne Greczyn, spokeswoman for Airbus, says the idea is still just a concept and might not be developed: “Many, if not most, of these concepts will never be developed, but in case the future of commercial aviation makes one of our patents relevant, our work is protected,”

Here’s hoping it doesn’t come in – aeroplanes are already making us feel a little claustrophobic.




Whether you are moving abroad or going away for a few months you need to bring certain things with you.

Here are five essentials you need to bring with you in your bag:

Your prescription
If you are taking medication like an inhaler or are on the pill, make sure you bring your prescription with you. You don’t want to end up having to go through the hassle of finding a new doctor and getting a new prescription. It might cost you a whole lot of money that you just don’t have.

Photos of family and friends
Yes, you will be able to see snaps on your phone or on Facebook, but they just aren’t the same as a good old fashioned photo stuck to your wall or proudly on display in your new home.

Your make-up
You will be able to pick up some make-up when you are away, but if you have a certain type of skin or are extremely pale, you might not be able to pick up the exact colour and you will spend an awful long time looking for something that suits. Also, what you might pick up for less than a tenner here, may cost a whole lot more in your new country.

An adapter
This is the kind of thing you forget when you are moving abroad. Your phone, laptop and hairdryer plugs are not going to work if you forget this.

Yes, be very picky with what you bring, but don’t forget the essentials like jumpers, pyjamas and jeans. You don’t want to have to spend a fortune on things you already have.




Holidays are great but sometime we just want a little more than a week in the sun, drinking piña coladas by the pool.

If it’s adventure that you are after you need to do at least one of these things abroad before your sense of adventure disappears.

Teach English in a foreign country, save the turtles in Costa Rica or build houses in South Africa, whatever you do, volunteering abroad will give you a sense of achievement and fantastic memories that will stay with your forever.

Work abroad
Volunteering abroad can be pretty hard on the pocket, unless you are pretty amazing at fundraising, so why not work abroad? If you are just out of college you can get a one year work visa for the US or a J1 if you are still in college. If the States isn’t your cup of tea, go for a two year visa to Canada or head down under for a couple of years.

Learn a language
Remember the craic at Irish college? You even managed to come home with a cúpla focal. Europe is so accessible in terms of college and work and you have such a huge choice of location. Why not head to Spain and learn Spanish or Germany? Or, if you are looking for a real adventure, grab a flight to Poland.

A trek is a great way to be in the open for longer than it takes to get from one bar to the other. The Inca trail in Peru is a four day trek, or why not do the Camino de Santiago if Peru is out of budget? If you want to go further afield, why not put the Himalayas on your to-do list?



The best way to earn another country’s respect is to sing in their native language as this viral video proves.

A foreign street performer certainly grabbed the attention of the local South Koreans when he performed in a train station.

Not only did he sing his heart out, he performed in the country’s native language and no doubt didn’t expect the support he received.

Even though we are not be able to understand what he is saying the songs sounds pretty good to us.

He certainly impressed the natives as can be heard from the huge cheer he got at the end!

Well done!



Being allowed to only carry on a certain amount of liquids in a tiny little plastic bag can make packing a bit of a nightmare. So, to help you out, here are four items you need to bring on your flight to ensure you look fabulous stepping off the plane:

Yu-Be Moisturising Skin Cream 70g, €24.99
This is one of the best skin care products in Japan and you can see why. It is fast absorbing and will help to soothe dry and dehydrated skin making it perfect for a pick-me-up during a long flight. It works on skin and lips so no need to bring a lip balm as well.

Sleek Be Beautiful Blemish Balm 50ml, €10.99
This three-in-one balm works as a primer, tinted moisturiser and concealer. Pop it on before you get off the plane to make sure you look absolutely gorgeous.

No7 Instant Radiance Highlighter, €12.95
Use as both blusher and highlighter to give yourself an enviable dewy look – perfect for banishing the dull, lack lustre skin that happens during a flight.

Benefit BADgal lash mascara, €23.00
Give yourself the ultimate wide eyed look by generously applying black mascara to your lashes.

With these products you’ll look fabulous stepping off the plane, even if you have been on it for the best part of 24 hours.aeroplane_must-haves




Popular with J1ers, San Diego has so much more to offer than the beach, cramped apartments and parties.

There’s no need to be lonely in San Diego, here are 10 things you need to do.

The Wild Animal Park
This wildlife sanctuary is home to more than 3,000 animals.

Balboa Park and Museums
This is the city’s largest urban cultural park. With plays, musicals and concerts held here this is a must-visit.

Gaslamp Quarter
This is the city’s foodie, fun and shopping heaven location.

You can’t go to California without visiting Legoland. Yeah, you’re probably too big but hey, it’s Lego!

Coronado Island
More of a peninsula and less of an island, this place is the ultimate in fun.

Mission Beach
This is a buzz of hot dog stands, street performers, night clubs and of course sand and surf. You’ll definitely get a true Californian vibe here.

Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve
Looking for some timeout from the party scene? Head here! You will be treated to stunning views and hikes that will definitely blow away any hangover.

San Diego Zoo Safari Park
A definite visit, this safari park will make you feel like you’ve landed in Africa not California.

The San Diego Zoo
This zoo is top rated and is active in animal conservation.

Harbour Cruise
You can’t go to San Diego without sampling the harbour. Hop on a harbour cruise to see the Pacific Fleet and just how high the Coronado Bridge is.



There is a lot more to Asia than simply heading to Phi Phi Leh Island to visit The Beach location.

If you are planning on heading in that direction this summer, you definitely need to hit these spots before you come home.

Slightly off the beaten tourist track, this gorgeous island in Indonesia is kind of like Bali but with less tourists to get in the way.

Cebu and Visayan Islands
Located in the Philippines, this nightlife hot spot is home to the friendliest people in the world – apart from the Irish of course.

Yes, there are loads of tourists but hey it’s Bali and you simply can’t go to Asia without heading here – you just can’t.

Ko Lipe
In southwest Thailand you will find a small island that has three absolutely gorgeous beaches. If you do head here make sure you stay in one of the grass huts on the beach.

Ko Chang
Just at the border of Cambodia, this is one of Thailand’s largest islands with its gorgeous waterfalls, coral reef and rainforests. This destination needs your full attention.



There are some things that can only be learnt from growing up on the island of Ireland. Such as these, for example:

1. Your boss will come into work hungover just as much as you do
It’s true. Never will you have a boss anywhere else in the world where they will arrive into work hungover just as much as yourself. It can be a good thing, but also a very bad thing.


2. Lots of Irish people leave and go to places like the USA, Canada or Australia
Emigration is in our history, and it hasn’t showed any signs of stopping any time soon. From the great Irish famine to the modern day. Is it simply because we like to travel or because the economy at home is gone to sh**? It’s a bit of both.


3. The Gardaí are actually a lenient brand of law enforcement
While you wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of the law, you release just how lucky you are to have the good ‘ole Gardaí when you travel and see all of the simply terrifying law enforcements around the world.


4. Every taxi man will bitch and moan about the Irish government
And everything else too, at 4am. Zzz…

Complaining5. NEVER will you ever have “just the one.”
Nope, it never happens that way.

Drunk Again

6.  We are the only people to say “bye” at least 10 times when hanging up the phone
“b-b-b-bye, bye, bye, bye…” Where did it come from? Why is it necessary to say goodbye this many times? Nobody knows, but it caught on and spread like wildfire.

Bye Bye Bye

7. Irish mothers are among the most worrisome in the world
They worry about everything from the clothes you are wearing to the food you’re eating. But we love them for it.


8. Old Irish men still wave to strangers in the street
Particularly in the more rural areas of the country, old men will wave at passing cars and nod to strangers in the street. Who doesn’t love a friendly old Irish man with a Paddy cap on his head and a wooden pipe in his mouth?


9. Ever Irish person freaks out and goes overboard when they see the sun
Sunburn! Sunburn galore! Every year it happens for a couple of weeks when the clouds disperse and the sun emerges, and EVERY year we learn the same lesson. Irish skin can’t hack the sun! We all end up looking like a baboon’s arse waddling around town in the summer.


10. A small country like Ireland can have a lot of different dialects!
How can a country so small have SO many different dialects?

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8. There are lots of different ways Irish people can say “no.”
“You’re alright,” “nah,” “you’re grand.” None of these actually make sense outside of Ireland so we have to remind ourselves to speak common English when we go on holidays or are conversing with someone from abroad.

confused_zpse11157399. GAA fever is a passion unmatched in any other sport
Nothing can prepare you for the atmosphere inside Croke Park on a cup final day!


10. The word “craic” can be mistaken for something else outside Ireland
“What’s the craic? … That’s shite craic.” Or simply, “any craic?” A phrase often used by the common Irish person. However, you must be careful if using it abroad as you may quickly find yourself being offered some narcotics… It only applies in Ireland!


11. Irish people are among the happiest in the world
It’s amazing how happy and upbeat Irish people can be when we have the worst weather for 9 months every year. We’ve been troubled with famine, emigration and economic collapse and we’ve always come out the other side. Onwards and upwards lads!

Happyvia our content partner CT



Expedia are looking for one lucky person to travel across Britain and blog about the good and not-so-good in food, drink and entertainment. Not only do you get to go on a permanent year long holiday, you will also get paid for the privilege – £105,000 to be exact.

However, if you want this job you better be prepared to fight off some competition – according to s1jobs, who are exclusively advertising the position, 1,943 have applied!

Gavin Mochan, Head of Sales at s1jobs said: ‘This is clearly a dream job for lots of people. When we read the job spec and saw the financial package we knew we would see a lot of interest. However, we didn’t expect quite the level of traffic we’ve seen and what was even more surprising was the amount of people who went past the job spec page to click on the apply button.’

Unfortunately, the position is now closed but Expedia have sought similar  roles to be filled in Spain, Italy, France and Germany so there’s hope for us yet!
