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Mike O’Shea has become the first person to fly from Mizen Head to Malin Head on a paramotor – a powered glider.

Supported by Vodafone Ireland to mark the launch of their Vodafone Firsts programme, this was a dream of Mike’s ever since he started paramotoring.

Talking about his experience, he said: “I’m always on the lookout for new challenges and the chance to take on a new adventure. Becoming the first person to paramotor from Mizen to Malin has been a personal ambition since I first took up this sport.”

The three day trip took Mike from Cork to Donegal – a distance of over 590km – and reached heights of up to 10,000 feet.

Strong winds and dodgy weather conditions might have put many of us off the challenge but Mike was not to be discouraged: “I’ve achieved many things in my life but this certainly ranks up there with the best of them. And the great thing is that I can also share it with anyone who wants to watch!”

Fair play to Mike, don’t think we would have the nerve!



If you are a thrill seeker and love nothing more than a good view, you need to head to the Glacier Skywalk in Alberta, Canada.

The walk was officially open for business on 1st May; however you may want to avoid what is bound to be a tourist hotspot if you don’t have a head for heights.

The platform juts 115feet out in the air and you need to take a shuttle ride from the Glacier Discovery Centre to get there.

However, once there you will walk on a glass floor 85 stories above the Sunwapta Valley where you will be treated to panoramic views of the park.

The observation platform will give you a view of Jasper National Park that you will never forget.

Here you will see water flow into the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans a very rare sight and you will see the amazing power of the glacial force.





With the Bank Holiday weekend now upon us, many people will be hitting the roads for a quick trip away.

Here’s how to have fun and stay safe on the roads:

Take a break
We know Ireland is not that big and it shouldn’t take more than 4 hours to get you from one end to another, but make sure you take a break half way. The motorways can get pretty boring and you need to keep your concentration up when driving.

Bring food
Bring food, lots of food. There is something quite adventurous about pulling into a pit stop on the side of the road and having a picnic – well, we think so…

Don’t be the only driver
Seriously, being the only one who can drive can be quite annoying. Make sure at least one other passenger has both a licence and insurance so you can swop and change.

Bring a map
We all have GPS on our phones but what happens when the battery dies? Never thought about that, did you?!

Now go have some fun!



Fancy a few days away with the girls but don’t think your budget will stretch? Read these top tips and you’ll be sipping piña colada’s by the beach – well not quite, but a beer in a nice hotel would do us just fine…

Check out online deals
Seriously, there are so many online deal sites where you can pick up a gorgeous hotel for next to nothing. Try not to book direct through the hotel as you aren’t likely to nab any deals doing this.

Only do carry on
If you want to head abroad for a few days, ditch the bags. Only do carry on and you can save yourself a fortune. If possible, wear as much clothes as possible if you can’t fit it all in your carry on – you might be a bit hot, but it will be worth it!

Be flexible
If possible, be flexi with your dates. Avoid Bank Holidays and weeks when schools are closed. This is the time when accommodation is the most expensive.


Three Irishmen traveled to 23 countries in one year and did one of the most Irish things you could do in each one – Riverdance!

From Cambodia to Bolivia, they danced with style in front of monumental buildings and stunning landscapes.

This video will put one wide smile on your face… or leave you crying with jealousy!

Credit has to go these lads over at The Wirld.



Aruba is one of the most beautiful places in the Caribbean. However, it’s not all blue skies, clear seas, white sand, drinking cocktails and sunbathing.

This video shows you a side to the gorgeous island that you probably never really thought about – kiteboarding.

The guys in this video are serious kiteboarders and it will definitely make you want to skip your usual holiday.


If you are a fan of beer you will definitely appreciate these breweries. So, instead of travelling city to city, why not travel brewery to brewery – any excuse for a drink, really!

Hit these places if you do fancy an alternative holiday:

Cigar City Brewing, Tampa, Florida
This place has become a major attraction for tourists and is a perfect place to vivist even if you aren’t a fan of beer.

Brouwerij Alvinne, De Proefloft and Beershop, Moen, Belgium
Here you will get to drink beer straight from casks and you will be given info on each beer that you sample  – although you may not really care…

Port Brewing/ The Lost Abbey, San Marcos, California
The Lost Abbey and Port Brewing Company are co-located which means you get to experience two breweries in one.

Cantillon Brewery, Brussels, Belgium
This is a family brewery where Lambic, Gueuze, Faro and Kriek beer are made. The brewery takes you back in time as it still uses the same brewing process from the 1900s.

Heineken, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Here visitors are taken on a ride where they can experience what it feels like to become a beer… hmmm, interesting.

Guinness Storehouse, Co. Dublin
Start your journey off here!


If you have ever had a mosquito bite you will know just how much the itch can drive you crazy. If you are heading away this summer keep these six natural remedies to that awful bite in mind.

Aloe Vera
Seriously, this plant has a multitude of health benefits. Simply apply the gel directly to the infected area and it will help with the healing process.

Press a cold teabag onto the bite to cool the area and stop the itch.

Just as you would do to get rid of a pimple, dab a little peppermint toothpaste over the area and it will relieve the itch.

Rub a little garlic onto the area and while it may sting slightly, it will give you some much needed relief.

Banana peel
Rub the inside of the banana peel over the area to relieve the itch.

Run hot water over a spoon and press into the infected area. Careful though, as it may burn a little.



Thought cruises were just for old people? Well, it’s time to think again! Here are our six best reasons why we are considering a cruise for our next holiday!

You only have to unpack once
Seriously, unpacking and repacking has got to be the most annoy thing about travelling.

You will always have a view of the sea
People on land pay top dollar for this

The amount of places you’ll see
You will experience more cities in a week then you would travelling around by plane.

You don’t have to worry about carrying around a load of money – most things, including food,  are paid for before you even get on the ship.

Meet other people
We admit this can be done on any holiday, but this way you won’t lose them as they move on to other places – you’re all stuck together until you go to land.

Comfy bed
The best thing about a cruise is the fact that while you are travelling you have a comfy bed to lie down on – you won’t get this on an aeroplane!

The activities
Depending on which cruise you pick, there can be so many activities on board that you won’t have to leave.



Travelling is all about exploring new places and discovering new things. However, because it is so easily accessible it can be hard to find places that nobody has ever heard of! Why not put these pretty awesome places on your list:

Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

It’s lovely and cool here with temperatures ranging between 10°C and 21°C so head up if you get too hot.

Luang Prabang, Laos

This is a UNESCO World Heritage site meaning it is one of the world’s most protected sites.

Suzhou, China

Rich in 2,500 years of history it is not too well known by tourists – until now that is…

Mont-Saint-Michel, France

This island off France is home to a pretty magical town that is rich in history.


L-r: Cameron Highlands, Malaysia; Luang Prabang, Laos; Suzhou, China; Mont-Saint-Michel, France



If you thought the traffic was bad here, you will probably have a rethink after watching this video!

With over seven million people living in Vietnam, it is not surprising that the roads are pretty busy, but this is just mind blowing!

This is one brave woman trying to cross the road and even though she seems to do it quite effortless, the look on her face says it all!



Thailand is an extremely popular place for Irish 20-somethings to let loose and go crazy! Apart from the plane tickets, obviously, it makes for a pretty cheap long holiday.

It is famed for its Full Moon parties, elephant riding and tubing but there is so much more that the country has to offer that you would be mad not to pop these on your itinerary.

Night market
Take a night off from the partying scene and spend the evening wandering around the night markets. You pick up some pretty awesome clothes and taste foods you would never have tasted before.

Get a tuk-tuk
You have probably heard of these as a means of transport in Thailand. While they may have a cute sounding name, they are far from cute reaching up to 60mph… eek! An experience you can’t miss.

Long tail boat
Apart from the fact that the long tail boat taxis are the best way to get to some of Thailand’s most secluded beaches, they are pretty spectacular.

Get a massage
A Thai massage is a must when you are visiting the country. They are extremely cheap so why not treat yourself to one every day!
