Women To Look Up To: The tree toppers with a serious difference
As far as we’re concerned at SHEmazing HQ, every year is a year for celebrating women.
While we seek to do it at every opportunity, one company have decided to use the festive season as a platform to celebrate the wondrous women we aspire towards.
And hell, have they nailed it.
U.K-based not-for-profit organisation, Women To Look Up To, have created Christmas tree toppers of women who lead the way in the world of entertainment, culture, politics and business.
3-D sculpted and printed in a range of sizes, these tree toppers pay tribute to Hillary Clinton, Beyoncé and Serena Williams, among many others.
“The Christmas Angel, Fairy, Tree Topper, by whatever name you call her, is a woman from a bygone era; a woman made of no more than plastic and glitter,” reads the website. “No wonder, when the Victorians invented her!”
“The old dame was due a modern makeover, so we thought why not venerate the real women inspiring us in 2017.”
“Women leading politics, culture, business, who are worthy of wings – the likes of Serena Williams, Beyoncé, and a woman voted for by you. “
The proceeds are all reinvested in projects to further female equality, so if you're all about supporting women, this is one way to go about it!