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Dua Lipa has taken to Twitter following backlash over her use of the n-word in a cover she performed of Mila J’s Smoke, Drink, Break-Up in 2014.

While the British singer sought to muffle the word, the star admitted she should never have used it in the first place.

In a message which was posted to Twitter shortly after midnight, the singer insisted that she hadn't given the potential repercussions enough consideration before using the word.

"In relation to my 2014 cover I never meant to offend or upset anyone," she began in the post which has been liked more than 29,000 times so far.

"I didnt say the full word but I can admit I shouldn't have gone there at all and that a different word could’ve been recorded altogether to avoid offence and confusion.I wasn’t thinking it through at the time," she wrote.

The singer's message was met with a mixed response from social media users, with some insisting Dua should move on following her apology while others demanded she take more responsibility.

"19 is a pretty young age and she apologized, something that real racist ppl will never do," wrote one while another countered: "Seemingly all you need to do to earn respect is to do racist things and then apologise."

Many fans and followers argued that the public were keen to drag past mistakes into the present, with many advising Dua to move on following her apology.

"This has happened so many years ago and you shouldn't penalise yourself for it now just because some people want to make you look problematic which we all know that you are not and we all do know that you would never mean to say anything offensive like on purpose," wrote one Twitter user.


If you didn't catch the first episode of Channel 4's new comedy series, Derry Girls, last night, you'd want to have a pretty good excuse because you missed out on a real gem.

Set in Derry in the 90s, the show follows 16-year-old Erin and her band of mates as they navigate secondary school life under the watchful eye of the nuns, and to the backdrop of The Troubles.

With a sharp succinct script and hilarious performances from the ensemble cast, Derry Girls proved a massive hit on Twitter, with scores of viewers keen to heap praise upon the new show.

Here are just some of the best reactions.


If you've ever spent any time living abroad, you'll know all too well how much you hanker after the food of the Emerald Isle.

Visitors from home are greeted with outstretched hands and a demand to see the contents of their 'snack' suitcase while trips back to the ould sod are spent eating (and stockpiling) your favourite foods.

Take Christmas, for example.

A fortnight spent gorging on all the country has to offer; soda bread, King crisps, Ballymaloe relish to name but three, is a veritable slice of heaven, and it isn't long before you start sacrificing the clothes in your case to make room for your 'back to reality' haul.

And while airport goodbyes are often painful, most expats will admit that the weight of their suitcase upon their departure goes someway towards helping ease the heartache.

And if a picture paints a thousands words, we'll leave Twitter user, Andrew Lowry, to say the rest…

Andrew, take a bow. 


So, today was the Monday-est Tuesday of all time.

The festivities have come to an end, you're back to the daily grind, and your bank account is as empty as a hermit's address book.

And while there might be little to look forward to right now, it's always comforting to know you're not alone in your abject misery, right?

With that in mind, here is a round-up of the tweets which perfectly sum up the #BackToWorkBlues.

1. Yep, us too.

2. Aaaaand breathe. 

3. Time to call in sick. 

4. Time is going backwards. 

5. We mean, we wouldn't judge. 

6. Scans Ryanair website all day. 

7. Again, we must question whether time is, indeed, going backwards. 

8. Don't we all? 


If there's one show we can quote in our sleep, it's Friends.

And yes, that may be because we were devoted fans during its ten-year run from 1994 to 2004, but it could also be due to the fact that the hugely popular show is rarely off our screens.

With re-runs aplenty on TV, it's perhaps no surprise that Netflix was met with a relatively subdued response when they hinted they were about about to add the series to their service.

Using the show's title template for their announcement, they tweeted: "The One with the Show Everyone's Been Asking Us to Add."

Unfortunately, it seems that those who have been doing the asking weren't actually online when the tweet appeared as the response was pretty damn lacklustre.

"I fricking LOVE Friends, BUT it is literally on UK TV every single day. There is absolutely no need for this monstrosity," wrote one.

"Friends is literally on several times a day every single day, nobody is missing it. The Office US however…." hinted another.

"It's on TV all day, every day. KEEP IT and give us every season of RuPaulsDragRace All Stars please," requested someone else.

Well, that went down well…


Another day, another Kardashian / Jenner rumour.

With Kylie Jenner disappointing countless fans and followers by failing to confirm her reported pregnancy over Christmas, it seems social media users have turned their attention to her older sister, Kendall.

Following her decision to share a fairly low-key selfie on Instagram in recent days, Kendall has found herself the subject of intense speculation as Instagrammers debate the existence of a baby bump.

No, seriously.


loner life

A post shared by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on

Focussing on Kendall's midriff, fans of the 22-year-old suggested that she may follow in her older sister Khloe's footsteps by becoming the latest member of the reality TV family to announce a pregnancy.

And Kendall isn't having it.

Taking to Twitter to dismiss the rumours, Kendall insisted that the speculation surrounding her frankly non-existent tum was born of a food baby, writing: "I just like bagels OK!"

The tweet, which has amassed more than 130,000 likes, was inundated with responses from fans praising the speed with which Kendall responded to the speculation.

"It’s like they’ve never heard of a “food baby”. People need to calm down," wrote one.

"If you’re pregnant than I’m having twins…." added another.

We're with them on that.



Look, just like Christmas, New Year's Eve definitely isn't for everyone.

While some people's idea of bliss is donning a pair of 2018 glasses and doing the Conga, it's other people's idea of hell.

And while it's definitely much easier to admit you hate New Years than it is to admit you hate Christmas, some people still get an earful when they refuse to hold hands and sing Auld Lang Syne at the strike of midnight.

Thankfully, Twitter is a safe space when it comes to New Year's Eve woe, and it's a topic that's currently trending online as the public gear up (or not) for the big event.


Earlier this month, chat show host, John Oliver, confronted veteran actor, Dustin Hoffman, over allegations of sexual harassment which had been levelled at him by young women who had worked alongside him over the course of his career.

The Graduate actor was appearing on a panel for a commemorative screening of 1997 film, Wag the Dog, when John made the decision to address the controversy surrounding the star.

A heated debated ensued when Hoffman defended himself against the allegations, citing his accuser's delay in coming forward as proof of his innocence.

Despite Hoffman's apparent lack of contrition and empathy, the women who have accused him of harassment recently thanked John for raising the issue when many other hosts would have avoided the confrontation.

Taking to Twitter to express their gratitude, Anna Graham Hunter and six other women explained why John's approach should be lauded in an industry which regularly shirks responsibility.

"Thank you @iamjohnoliver for confronting Dustin Hoffman," began the post read which appeared alongside a lengthier statement.

"While the questions you asked may not have led to the constructive conversation you hoped for, the fact that you asked them at all is what matters most."

John has since said he regrets that his line of questioning failed to result in any form of constructive conversation.


Look, we ALL thought Christmas Day was going to bring us the gift we've all been waiting for – confirmation of Kylie Jenner's reported pregnancy.

Lord knows we've been patient, so it's no real surprise that fans of the Calabasas clan are feeling a little cheated today after the Kardshians' Christmas Card made no mention of a pregnancy.

In fact, Kylie didn't even feature.

After months of holding their breath (and their tongue), Twitter lost it in the aftermath of the underwhelming Day 25 reveal, and confirmed that they were only bloody raging.

Here are just a few of our favourites.

And one special shout-out to this gal who summed up how most of us are feeling… 


As someone who is generally referred to as 'Nee-am-huh' on holidays, I can confirm that having an Irish name poses some linguistic challenges while abroad.

The silent letters, the extra letters, the Godforsaken fadas; it's no surprise that anyone unfamiliar with the Irish language would struggle pronouncing any name born of the Emerald Isle.

And while you might assume we're used to it, a recent tweet posted by Irish comedian, David O'Doherty, has been quick to remind us that the hurt runs deep, and the sense of competition over the least-pronounceable name even deeper.

"Happy Christmas to all the Aoifes not at home in Ireland this Christmas," David wrote on Christmas Eve. "It’s hard being called Aoife, but especially when you’re overseas. You are in my thoughts #aoifes."

And while Aoifes far and wide took to Twitter to thank David for his thoughts, it seems a few disgruntled social media users wanted equal recognition.

"How about being a Nuala all year round! Real life Irish struggles," wrote one Twitter user to which David replied: "THIS IS A SHOUT-OUT TO AOIFES, NUALA. You will get your turn."

"All the Siobháns, Oisíns, Caoimhes, Saoirses, Siofras, Meadhbhs and Eoghans need to stop being angry at me," David followed up.

But Twitter wasn't having it, and it wasn't long before every damn name was getting a shout-out.

And the clincher?


Let's face it, Christmas isn't like the commercials.

Hard and all as we might try each and every year, December 25 rarely goes off without a hitch.

And while you may be certain other families are having a picture-perfect day while yours struggles to remain civil, Twitter is here to remind you that this simply isn't the case.

Whether it's present-related catastrophes or sibling-related rows – the root of which no one can remember – Christmas Day is absolutely rife with fails.

And we're only too happy to take a closer look…

Well, we needed that… 


Let's be honest, in recent weeks the vast majority of us will have wondered which member of our social media circle would announce that their partner got down on one knee to the sound of Fairytale of New York.

With Christmas Day and New Year's Eve vying for poll position in the festive proposal stakes, there are few of us who won't be posting congratulations messages on at least one of our social media platforms over the next week or so.

But whether you're a die-hard romantic or loathe the idea of a social media engagement, you'll be hardpressed not to shed a tear over this festive proposal with a twist.

Uploaded to Twitter by Music1996Man, the footage tells the story of one couple's journey back to each other.

"My parents were married for more than 20 years, divorced, fought a lot, went to work on themselves. Years later, they start dating and as of yesterday, this happened," he wrote. "Congrats Mom and Dad! True love always finds its way back around."

And with more than 745,000 likes in just three days, it seems Twitter's regular cynics have decided to back off this festive season.

Now excuse us while we weep into our Stephen's Day gin.
