Twitter is going crazy for this guy’s first date PowerPoint presentation
We've all been there – you both swiped right, flirty banter ensues and the playful gif exchanges continue until one of you finally works up the courage to ask the all important question – "how about a date then?"
Of course you answer (after the appropriate amount of time has passed, of course), "sure, when're you free?"
But wait.
What are you and this mystery date going to do? You barely know this person. Do you even like the same things?
The dialouge continues: 'So, what were thinking?', to which they reply, 'I don't mind, got any suggestions?', and the vicious cycle continues just long enough to ruin the potential romance before it even began.
Wouldn't it be great to find someone absolutely bursting with cute and fun first date ideas?
Enter Ben Velzian.
The single Londoner was arranging a first date recently, and when asked for suggestions, he sent on a pretty extensive PowerPoint presentation filled with some wonderful ideas.
However, for some unknown reason, the guy Ben was trying to win over didn't appreciate his stroke of genius and promptly blocked him on WhatsApp.
But, luckily for us, Ben saw the funny side of the situation and shared it on Twitter for our entertainment.
A guy asked me on a date today & said "any suggestions where to go?".
Because I'm a full time weirdo I sent him a PowerPoint of ideas.
— BV (@velzzb) July 31, 2017
He blocked me.
— BV (@velzzb) July 31, 2017
I didn't even know you could block people on WhatsApp.
— BV (@velzzb) July 31, 2017
Here are some example options. I think they are splendid ideas pic.twitter.com/uyz9Ef33RO
— BV (@velzzb) July 31, 2017
Options 2&3 pic.twitter.com/CMJvYMivxl
— BV (@velzzb) July 31, 2017
You know what, Ben? They are splendid ideas, and we're not the only ones who think so.
This is incredible. I hope he proposed immediately.
— A (@husseybyname) August 1, 2017
Oh my God, this is brilliant and slightly psychotic but mostly amazing (also they're great suggestions).
— Ryan Nelson (@RyanJohnNelson) July 31, 2017
If someone did this for me, I think I'd have to marry them immediately.
— Kevin (@KevinCPLdn) August 1, 2017
I am so here for PowerPoint date ideas! I hope it works out, but I also hope it doesn't so I can try & ask you out and get one of these!
— Lord Wallerus (@Waller05) August 1, 2017
Ben, this was amazing and hysterical. He is obviously a bore. Snooze.
— Christopher Golds (@chrisgolds) July 31, 2017
Y'know, we reckon we could all do with someone like Ben in our lives.
Not only is he hilarious and charming, but let's face it, the boy's got mad PowerPoint skills.