Yes yes yes! The ‘undo send’ button is finally here!
It has happened us all. The heart-stopping, adrenaline-pinching terror that rises inside us after pushing the fateful ‘send’ button.
Whether it’s a wrong email to your mum, your boss, or the dreaded entire address book, the fear that envelopes us is like no other.
But now, our saviour is here!
The lovely folks over at Gmail have included a new ‘undo send’ function to our email settings.
The new fear-quenching feature can be activated from your ‘general settings’ tab and you can choose between giving yourself 5, 10, 20 or 30 seconds to realise your mistake and un-send the email.
After your email is sent, the ‘undo send’ button will appear at the top your screen, accompanied by the lapsing amount of time that you have given yourself to recall the email. While the feature has yet to be installed on the mobile app, according to reports this is the next step for the tech giants.
At least that’s our co-workers taken care of. Now all we need is an ‘un-text your ex’ feature…