So, it turns out vegetable crisps aren’t as healthy as you think
When vegetable crisps came on the scene, it's safe to say we all jumped for joy at the 'healthy' snack alternative.
But it turns out that the crisps may not be as healthy as we think.
According to nutritionists, the vegetable snacks contain more fat and saturated fat than most other snack brands.
One registered nutritionist, Charlotte Stirling-Reed told Cosmo, "The concern with products that are often seen as ‘healthier alternatives’ such as vegetable crisps, is they don’t always match up to their reputations.
"Crisps are crisps, and even if they are made with vegetables, they are likely to contain too much in the way of fat, saturated fat and salt.
"In fact, the vegetable crisps here have higher levels of saturated fat and salt than some well-known, regular crisp brands.
“As a nutritionist, I’ve seen this first hand in weight loss clinics where clients may eat even as much as double a portion size of a product if it’s perceived to be healthy.”
They may not be the healthiest, but they sure are delish, so you know… nom.