Vogue Williams explains why she’s putting a hold on trying for baby #2
Vogue Williams is a mum to little Theodore and he is by far one of the cutest babies we’ve ever seen so we weren’t one bit surprised to hear the mum had been eager to expand her brood.
With a baby as cute as Theodore, how could you not want to have another?
Vogue and her husband Spencer Matthews welcomed their baby boy in September 2018 and it’s safe to say they’ve been loving every second of parenthood so far (apart from the famous four months sleep regression.)
However, Vogue has revealed that they’re putting a hold on their plans to try for baby two.
The DJ opened up about the decision in an interview with The Mirror.
She explained why they’ve decided to wait a while until conceiving again: “Maybe we thought we were ready for baby number two but that’s when we were boasting.”
“I think I just want to enjoy a bit more of Theodore. And being pregnant, I didn’t find it the easiest thing in the world so I need to give my body a little bit more of a break,” the doting mum added.
Vogue said she would love Theodore to have a sibling close in age, just like her and her own sister.
“There’s just two and a half years between my sister and I and she’s my best pal so I’d love that for Theodore,” she gushed.
They may be waiting another little while for baby number two, but Vogue is already excited about their future family plans.
“At some point, we will start trying again in the not too distant future,” she shared.