This video captures the joys (ha!) of watching TV with an Irish dad
What is it about Irish dads and their ability to turn your mood from neutral to THE HEIGHT OF STRESSED in two seconds flat?
They seem to exercise this power most often when the TV is involved, especially when you're just trying to binge-watch Orange Is The New Black in peace.
"Who's yer wan, at all? Is she off to a fancy dress party in that get-up? Why are there no MEN in this show?"
The folks over at The Irish Take have captured the intense annoyance of watching TV when your dad's in the room, with this epic video.
It's dubbed over a clip of Yvonne Connolly cooking on TV3's Seven O'Clock Show, and it's pure genius (though a bit NSFW).
When you watch TV with your Dad……
Posted by The Irish Take on Wednesday, 23 March 2016
"She made a f**king b***cks of the kitchen altogether now, she's made a right f**king mess."
Yeah, cheers dad, you can go now. Seriously. GO.