#StormJonas is stressing a LOT of Irish people out this morning
Whether you were woken up at 5am by the sound of your wheelie bin flinging itself down the road, or whether your 30-minute commute took twice as long, you've probably experienced the wrath of Storm Jonas in some way this morning.
Ireland's latest bout of winter weather is a killer one, with galeforce winds and lashing rain battering the country all night. And while it is – for once – surprisingly mild, all that means is we're sweating buckets inside our coats while getting pelted by rain.
Not a good start to the day. But if you think you're having a bad morning, there's always someone on Twitter having a worse one.
Here are a few of this morning's most stressed-out victims…
1. This girl, who dared do her make-up and hair before venturing outside
Leaned a hard lesson today. My Rimmel liquid eyeliner might be water proof but it is not #stormjonas proof.
— Holly x (@HollyShortall) January 26, 2016
Absolutely fuming, did a curl in my hair and a smokey eye and now I look like a frizzy panda I am going to be violent today. Violent.
— Holly x (@HollyShortall) January 26, 2016
2. This lad, who would rather six feet of snow over this MADNESS any day
New York gets blankets of beautiful white snow and days off work. We get pissed on, and broken umbrellas! #stormjonas
— Declan Pierce (@DecPierce) January 26, 2016
3. This anti-Jonas Brothers commuter
Dear #Jonas never a fan of your music, not a great lover of your weather today either
— Anne Mc Coy (@annemccoy) January 26, 2016
4. This bus stop victim
There is nothing that sets you up better for the day than standing at a bus stop in the wind and rain! Happy Tuesday all
— Jamie Holme (@JayHolme) January 26, 2016
5. This girl, who's just had her entire day ruined
The one day I don't bring my umbrella or a hat. And it's lashing rain. And I've to go out and get lunch. Feck. Nice one #Dublin
— Nirina Plunkett (@NirinaXX) January 25, 2016
6. This woman who's hoping we can make amends
Just like that, the sun and blue sky are replaced with dull greyness and lashing rain. Did we miss Mother Earth's birthday or something?
— Joanne (@KJoanne) January 25, 2016
7. This student who's simply had enough
So walking to college in the lashing wind and rain was the worst idea of my life.
— Princess Emily (@emilyokeeffe147) January 26, 2016
Back to bed, everyone.