Ed Sheeran and Prince Harry team up for witty skit to mark WMHD
Prince Harry and Ed Sheeran have teamed up for a special World Mental Health Day video. The prince and the popstar hope the video will help beat the stigma surrounding mental health.
The hilarious clip, which was filmed in Kensington Palace, sees Ed arrive at Harry’s home.
Harry joked that it was like looking in a mirror when he answered the door to the Shape of You singer.
They both sit down to discuss what they can do to help raise awareness about mental health, but it looks like Ed has the completely wrong idea.
“This for me, is a subject and a conversation that is just not talked about often enough, I think people all over the world are really suffering,” says Harry.
Ed explains that he is planning on writing a song to help raise awareness, but not about the issue Harry had in mind.
The singer quips, “That’s exactly what I’m trying to do, people just don’t understand what it's like for people like us. With the jokes, the snide comments, I just feel like it’s time that we stood up and we’re not going to take this anymore. We’re ginger and we’re going to fight.”
Harry replies, “Okay, that’s slightly awkward. There might have been a miscommunication but this is about World Mental Health Day.”
The Perfect singer then erases the words ‘gingers unite’ from the word document on his laptop.
The video ends with Harry and Ed urging people to talk and to listen to those suffering with their mental health.
The witty video is the perfect way to remind people of World Mental Health Day. “Both Prince Harry and Ed Sheeran want to ensure that not just today but every day, you look after yourself, your friends and those around you.
“There’s no need to suffer in silence – share how you’re feeling, ask how someone is doing and listen for the answer. Be willing to ask for help when you need it and know that we are all in this together,” the caption read.
They also added numerous mental health charities and resources that people can reach out to.