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One urban legend has been debunked with regards to our activity in the bedroom.

While it has been long believed that men are the ones who just can’t wait to get it on, Kindara a fertility app asked their female users how they really felt about sex and came up with some interesting findings.

As it turns out, women want sex just as much as their partners- or even more.

After surveying 500 of their female users about their opinions on the female libido it was found that 75 per cent said they want to have sex with their partners more than three times a week.

Another 13 per cent said that they wanted to have sex more than six times a week. More than half of the women surveyed said that they were not entirely satisfied with the amount of sex they were currently having.

While 72 per cent of those surveyed said they orgasm every time they’re with their partner and “many” do multiple times, just over half said an emotional connection was key to “good” sex. 23 percent cited foreplay as being more important.

The biggest obstacle when it comes to women fulfilling these desires: stress.

40 per cent of those surveyed cited stress as being the number one reason that aren't having as much sex as they would like.

However, 18 per cent of those surveyed revealed that absolutely nothing would get in their way if they wanted to have sex. 



Here’s what memories are made of: good friends; great holidays; family, and laughing until your belly hurts.

Sure, we all love a killer pair of stilettos (and yes, we’re still saving up for Louboutins), but ultimately, almost all of us are wise enough to recognise that it’s the little things in life that matter.

And while we still wouldn’t mind giving the millionaire, jet-set lifestyle a go at some stage (just to see if it would suit us), looking after your health is infinitely more important.

Which is why it’s vital that you attend your free smear test once you turn 25. OK sure, no one wakes up and says: “Oh brilliant! Today I get to go for a smear. Fantastic altogether,” but it’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free. It could save your life too.

CervicalCheck has so far provided more than 2m tests and it remains the most effective method of reducing the risk of developing cervical cancer.

Every women aged between 25 and 60 should have a regular CervicalCheck smear test (every three years until the age of 44 and then, following two normal results, every five years until the age of 60), even if they:

  • Have had the HPV vaccine
  • Have only had one sexual partner
  • Have been with their partner for a while
  • Have been through the menopause
  • Are no longer having sex
  • Are in a same-sex relationship

So make sure you tell your sisters, cousins, friends, mums, daughters, aunts, and anyone else who will listen that they should check online when their next smear test is due.

You’ll find everything you need at www.cervicalcheck.ie or if you’d rather, you can freephone 1800 45 45 55.




It should all be relatively simple: you're definitely a catch of sorts – reasonably good-looking, with a 2:1 degree in your back-pocket and a dry sense of humour that you're particularly proud of.

OK; you're not everyone's cup of tea (no one can please everyone) but you've plenty of great friends and your major flaws are relatively limited (a-jar-of-Nutella-in-one-sitting habit aside). 

So why are you still single? Why are so many guys out there a serious let-down?

It's not that you're DYING to do the whole wedding and babies and mortgage thing any time soon. And granted, your mam heralding the arrival of your 26th birthday with cries of 'I'll never have any grandkids,' was embarrassingly OTT.

But somewhere at the back of your mind you know it's probably a good idea to start keeping an eye out for your lucky chosen one (lest Zac Efron not be available for marriage circa 2023).

Now US author Jon Birger has released a no-nonsense, full breakdown of why you're single: Date-onomics: How Dating Became A Lopsided Numbers Game.

He says he was compelled to research and write the book after noticing his single gal pals were always complaining that “guys were ignoring them or were toying with them”.

New York resident Jon is a financial writer for the likes of Fortune and TIME. He crunched demographic, census and other data to show that you're not just imagining it: it really is historically rough out there for the ladies.

In conclusion, and after much investigation, Mr Birger reckons there are eight reasons why women can’t find a man.

The book is definitely directed more specifically at an American readership, AND while we're don't necessarily agree with everything he says, here at SHEmazing! we also reckon there's a lot us Irish gals can learn from Jon's observations…

 So, without further ado, here's why you're single…


1) You live in Dublin

The divorce rate is higher than anywhere else; you’re more likely to be single in your 30s, AND there are just more women knocking around. In fact, in all urban areas in Ireland, men are outnumbered – meaning you want to consider a day-trip to the countryside (if not an actual change of address) to meet that special guy.


2) You do the wrong college course

When it comes to education, females trump the boys pretty much every time: last year girls did better in 50 out of 59 Leaving Cert papers.

That means our third-level colleges and universities are disproportionately full of women – by a ratio of 57:43, in fact.

“Facebook did a study a few years ago on how couples met, and it turned out that 25 percent met their significant others in college or grad school,” Mr Birger says.

So, you want to increase your chances of finding The One? Opt for courses such as computer science, engineering and agriculture – which are still male-dominated.


3) The men are playing you

As reported by numerous publications, Jon highlights that dating is out with younger people and hookup culture is in. He also reckons that with the gender imbalance on college campuses, men are “having a field day”.

And so he issues a warning: the longer a girl settles for casual sex as opposed to a long-term relationship, the more chance she has of ending up alone.


4) You’re not issuing an ultimatum

“Ultimatums work in business and politics,” Mr Birger reckons. “This notion that the only area of life you shouldn’t issue an ultimatum in is romance doesn’t make sense.”

Indeed, researcher John Molloy interviewed 3,000 couples right after they got married and found that 60 percent of the women were prepared to walk away if their guy suddenly declared he wasn’t ready.


5) You’re not making the first move

Go-get-em women are the ones more likely to get the guy. Mr Birger cites a premarital counsellor who told him that “of the nine couples he had in counselling, seven of them shared a similar story: the guys all had several options, but they married the women who pursued them the most”.

And ladies, don’t worry about turning off guys by being too pushy. “It’s a myth that men enjoy the chase,” the author adds.


6) You’re working in the wrong job

Slaving away in PR, education, nursing, event planning or other female-dominant fields? Time to get a new job!

That’s because around one in ten of us meet our spouse at work.

Some careers to consider instead: mechanical engineering, IT, and financial advising.


7) You’re too religious

“People who leave organised religion are disproportionately male,” Mr Birger reckons. “Atheists and agnostics are also disproportionately male.”


8) You’re too picky

“For the women who wait [to settle down], the dating pool gets much, much worse,” Jon warns.

He likens it to a game of musical chairs. In the first round, fresh into the dating market, nearly every woman gets a chair. By the final round, the chances of losing soar to 50 percent.

The author actually says if we were all more “open-minded about who we dated,” it would be less of an issue, but these days “both men and women have become more rigid about dating across socioeconomic boundaries”.

So to find a mate, women with a Masters degree should consider dating someone from a working-class background with limited formal education.




Listen up guys, it's time to get on top of your grooming. 

Men's Health published the results of a study which asked women if they would rather to a man with terrible breath or a man with nose hair. 

And we were surprised to discover that women would gladly put up with the bad breath over nose hair. 

A survey then asked men how they take care of their stray hairs with most of them saying they use a nose hair trimmer, but clearly not enough as the ladies are still not happy!

But nose hairs actually serve an important purpose whether you like them or not as they keep unwanted particles out of your nose.

We were sure bad breath would rank higher than nose hairs, are a few stray hairs really the ultimate turn off?



All women, everywhere are in possession of one – but it seems that a lot of us actually struggle when it comes to saying the word: 'vagina'.

In contrast to male genitalia, of which there are numerous throwaway phrases, women also feel uncomfortable coming up with an 'acceptable' reference for their sex organs.

Even the word 'penis,' somehow seems far more ordinary and everyday. 

According to a survey of 1,000 women and released this week by Ovarian Cancer Action, two-thirds of those aged 18 to 24 would be too embarrassed to even use the word vagina at their doctor’s office.

Which is in contrast to older ladies over the age of 65: just one in ten in that age bracket reported the same thing.

More than half of younger women – 57 percent – would also rather just Google their symptoms than visit their GP to talk about vaginas and vulvas.

Ovarian Cancer Action, a British charity, did the survey to encourage younger women to speak up about their gynecological health. 

In Ireland, ovarian cancer is the fourth most common strain affecting women: more than 300 new cases are diagnosed annually.

Although relatively rare, some of us carry a genetic mutation that makes us more susceptible to developing the disease.

Angelina Jolie earlier this year revealed that she had undergone preventative surgery – having her ovaries and breasts removed – because she was a high-risk candidate. 


It’s the disease that most people have a vague notion of without, perhaps, fully understanding what exactly it entails.

Spina bifida: a relatively common condition which affects about one in every 1,000 children born in Ireland – one of the highest rates in the world.

And one woman who is acutely familiar with it is Co. Antrim-native Louise Boyd. She is the mother of seven-year-old Amy, and Sophie, four.

Sophie suffers from spina bifida, as well as hydrocephalus – which results in excessive fluid in the brain – and Arnold Chiari malformation; a defect in her cerebellum, the part of your brain that controls balance.

Her family knew in advance that she’d be born with health problems – because her spina bifida was discovered during Louise’s pregnancy, around the half-way point. Sophie had her first operation, the first of many she would endure, when she was just four hours old.

Louise explains: “Although Sophie can walk, she has issues with mobility and balancing, falls over quite a lot and has difficulty managing uneven ground, kerbs and steps and cannot walk for long distances.”

Sophie also needs to use nappies and a catheter for bladder and bowel problems, although she now only sees a specialist once a year for a check-up.

Louise, who didn't take folic acid initially but started taking it as soon as she found out she was pregnant, describes Sophie as a “lively, chatty little girl who is very sociable and loves dressing up and clothes and playing with her cousins and friends”.

The mother-of-two also admits that she had no real idea what spina bifida would mean for her family, adding that she was “shocked” when they were given the diagnosis.

She remains upbeat, however. “All in all I would say having a child with spina bifida has had a positive impact to our family – although it is difficult when your child cannot do the things other children can do, it has brought us a more positive perspective on life and what is important.

“Health and family are the most important things anything else is a bonus.”

Describing them as “an invaluable support,” Louise advises anyone who has had a spina bifida diagnosis to get in contact with SHINE (especially for those in Northern Ireland) or Spina Bifida Hydrocaphalus Ireland as soon as they feel ready. “Also try to contact other families who can share experiences and more often than not, alleviate your worries,” she adds.

Any woman planning a family, who is sexually active or of childbearing age needs to take the recommended dose of folic acid daily in order to reduce the risk of neural tube defects.

However, Louise adds: “If you do have a spina bifida diagnosis of your baby – don't panic, it is a long and winding road but a very rewarding one.”

At safefood, they don’t usually tell people to take supplements.That’s because if you eat healthy, you can generally get all the nutrients you need from food. There is one exception though – that’s folic acid for women who are sexually active and could become pregnant, even if you’re not planning to have a baby any time soon.

So make sure you take folic acid for three months before you become pregnancy and for the first three months of your pregnancy to help your baby’s spine and brain develop properly.

You can check out the facts here.



We're not mind-readers – and while men often complain that women's subtle (or not so subtle) hints, clues, and suggestions are all too often lost on them, the ladies can be equally clueless at times.

Fear not! The relationship experts at SHEmazing! have rounded-up the top five things that us gals can be liable to do in a relationship.

Here, we explore why none of them are good for his sanity, not to mention yours…

1) Fretting about your figure:

No one likes feeling less than his or her best: and putting on the odd excess pound here or there can dent your confidence, granted. However, firstly, he probably doesn’t notice, and secondly, even if he does, he definitely doesn’t really care.

What he does care about? You hampering on about so-called bulges, or focusing on apparent inadequacies.

Because a girlfriend who refuses to go out for dinner (lest you dive head first into a bread basket), or refuses to accept his compliments about how good you look is NO fun. So relax, gurl! Enjoy your relationship and focus on being healthy and happy rather than skinny and miserable (not to mention, probably single).

2) Dwelling on the past:

Unless you’ve been together since your teenage years, he’ll probably have a romantic past (so will you). And while spot of ex-girlfriend online investigation is to be expected – full-on cyber stalking is not. Don’t go digging, don’t interrogate mutual friends, and for goodness sake don’t message her.

People are different in different relationships; a guy can grow up A LOT between the ages of 21 and 24, and the right girl can bring out the best in anyone.

So he had a same-sex fling in the past, he cheated on someone, or it took him a while to realise you’re The One. So what! So long as you’re happy together right now, look to the future, not the past.

3) Sweating the small things:

You chip a nail; lose a load of eyelashes; miss a bit while applying tan; or mess up your liquid eyeliner application. It’s all rather annoying, sure, but save your ‘my life is over,’ rant for your girlfriends – because he doesn’t care and he certainly doesn’t get it. Besides, confident women are sexy women.

Heaps of self-assurance just doesn’t come naturally, you say? Fake it until you make it, we say. Hold your head high and tell yourself you’re great (because you are).

4) Getting distracted by everyone else:

Some folk move in together after only a few months – others wait years and years before taking the plunge. Neither is ‘right’; neither is ‘wrong’. Move at your own pace; scrap the checklist.

Just because your friend is pregnant and engaged at 26 doesn’t mean that you’re anywhere near that stage in your life.

That doesn’t mean, of course, you start comprising; that doesn’t mean you let him fob you off with excuse after excuse if you’re looking for more commitment.

However, it does mean that you pursue an amazing career if you want to, or you go travelling if that takes your fancy: because real love won’t just vanish because you decide to do a Masters abroad rather than putting a ring on it.

5) Not giving him space:

Him not wanting to see you doesn’t equal 'he’s about to break up with you' or 'he’s cheating'. Guys want to see their friends; they want to go to the gym and get an early night; they fancy just chilling at home with a book and the radio (much like ourselves, in fact).

Him being able to say that to you speaks far more highly of your relationship than him coming running every time you click your fingers. 


It more-or-less confirmed what a lot of us gals suspected all along – it’s tough to sync up your libido with your man's: he’s gagging for it when you’re wrecked, and when you’re in the mood, he’s distracted by something else.

Now a Lovehoney survey has confirmed that while the average woman likes action between the sheets at 11.21pm, men are more likely to be turned on at 7.54am.

The same research found that a third of both men and woman have dated someone whose sex drive was not compatible with their own.

But with 36 percent of women also confessing that their 'up for it' radar is affected by their mood, we reckon that the men of Ireland would welcome some friendly bedroom advice and top tips…

Take it easy on the Fifty Shades stuff:

We love a bit of Jamie Dornan, sure, but full-on dirty talk? Maybe not. And as for getting physical – there’s a big difference between being playful and going in for a full on, uninvited smack on the bum. Unless we’ve chatted about it in advance, it’s best to avoid Red Room Of Pain-style activities entirely.

Take off your socks:

Hey – we get it. You’re consumed by passion when you see us. But in the midst of your desire, take the time to take off your socks. Granted, there isn’t really a sexy, strip-tease move for disrobing your feet, but disrobed they must be – without exception.

Clean yourself up for post-roll-in-the-hay snuggling:

Snuggling up post-session to a sweaty, smelly gorilla is no one's idea of fun. No assumptions here, but if you feel you’re less than spring-fresh, nip off to the bathroom for teeth-cleaning, nose-blowing, and deodorant-spraying. And frankly, it gives us a chance to “get ourselves together” too.

Keep in mind we’re not always body-confident:

We know you think we’re a goddess; but we ourselves sometimes feel less than our best. Lights blazing, blankets off, everything in full, unobstructed view is all well and good, but do try and judge the mood: if the lights are off, maybe they’re off for a reason.

Acknowledge it when we make the effort:

We’re spray-tanned, pedicured and (largely) hair-free – not only that, we’ve gone out and bought new underwear (it may be Penney’s; but it’s still lovely). If we’re making an extra special effort to mark an anniversary, birthday or milestone event, a kind word of thanks goes a long way… because a matching bra and pants deserves recognition.

Courtship isn’t dead yet:

We may be together for a couple of years, and sure things have gotten more, ahem, comfortable in that time, but the odd card, bunch of daffodils, or M&S dine-in meal goes a long way. Because sometimes dynamite in the bedroom starts in unlikely places – like in recycling being taken out before we have to ask.

And a few friendly words of wisdom for all involved parties…

  • Don’t check your phone mid-session. Ever.
  • Make sure you say the right name – that includes avoiding any mention of Ryan Gosling or Beyonce.
  • Don’t compare your current squeeze to your ex (this happens).

How many times a day do we belittle our bodies? It's more than we would care to admit, more often than not. 

From 'too fat' to 'too skinny' and all 10,000 problems inbetween, it's incredible just how mean we can be about ourselves and how we look. 

Now, Dove have created a video that shows us just what it looks like when we say these things about ourselves – by getting an actress to say them to someone in public. 

This is a very powerful and important message and we hope we remember it the next time a negative thought enter our mind. 



There’s a new beauty craze and we have to say it’s one we were not expecting!

Women around the world have begun shaving their faces…yes, their faces.

A specific razor is used for the process, and many say it has wonderful benefits. Of course, there is women that already use many forms of hair removal to keep their facial skin smooth and hair-free – though this is more often than not attained through waxing rather than shaving. 

The razor used is much smaller than a regular razor, and looks almost like a eyebrow brush, but has tiny little razors that glide over the light hairs on women's faces, keeping skin smooth and soft if done once a day. 

But what are the benefits of face shaving for women? It would seem that shaving your face can act as an exfoliant, and so an anti-ageing tool: "From an anti-aging point of view, home shaving has some effects. It’s like a mild form of microdermabrasion, so encourages collagen production, which reduces wrinkles. Whenever there’s trauma to the skin, collagen is stimulated to help cell renewal” Dr Michael Prager told The Daily Mail.  

However, there has been significant backlash to the new beauty craze, as comparing men’s slower aging skin to women’s and emulating their routine seems pointless as The Guardian points out that men have up to 25% thicker skin than women and also produce more sebum, an oil which helps skin keep a youthful look.

Sigh…it looks like we can’t keep up with the men on this one, ladies! As if we really needed another thing to add to our growing beauty routine anyway, eh?! 


This great Buzzfeed video shows us exactly the different body ideals that women have been subjected to over the years.

From the plumpness of the Renaissance age to the waifness of the ‘90s; it looks like EVERY body type has been in fashion at one stage or another.

We love how the video also channels all of the different styles and make-up of the time! So, if you’re ever feeling self-conscious about being too small, too big, too anything – always remember you are timeless! 



What happens when none of your friends are around and you really, really want to go out for a dance? Or maybe you’ve moved to a new area and are having some trouble meeting new people, what then? It can be a lonely experience for many women.

Well, we have the answer for you … Or rather, GirlCrew does! With over 3,000 members in Ireland alone, and groups in London, New York and even Sydney, GirlCrew is THE way to meet new and fun friends.

If you want to go for coffee, the cinema, a night out, a run – anything you can think of, GirlCrew will set you up with other women who want to do the same.

Elva, the genius behind GirlCrew, explained why she decided to set the company up, explaining that all of her friends were busy one evening, and she wanted a night on the tiles (we can totally relate to this, Elva!) 

She explains: 

 “One Friday night in March of this year, I was at home and really wanted to go out and had no one to go out with. My group of friends is small but lovely, so this happens. I knew there had to be at least a couple of other girls who this happens to as well, so i popped up my search for some dancing buddies on Tinder, changing my gender to ‘male’ in the settings so i’d show up to other straight girls and gave it a shot.”

“I thought I’d find two, three, maybe four girls who wanted to go out dancing. But there were MILLIONS! (Well, a hundred within two days.) Since then it’s grown into these awesome little groups of women all over the place who want to just meet up and hang out – whether it’s for gigs, coffees, nights out dancing, running, eating, whatever.”

So, where can you find GirlCrew? A lot of places, it turns out! All around Ireland, GirlCrew numbers are growing by the day and you can now find groups in Cork, Limerick, Kerry, Dublin, Meath, Galway, Belfast, Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford and even more.

If your county isn’t there – check out the website to find out how you can start a GirlCrew group in your locality!  

However, GirlCrew isn’t limited to Ireland so if you have recently found yourself in a far off country and want to meet new friends, you will find groups in New York, Atlanta, Dublin, London and even Sydney!

So, get interacting, ladies and you will soon find yourself with a seriously fun-filled diary with lots of great people!

Check out GirlCrew’s website here for more information. 
