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Do you go from wanting to sit back and watch the world burn just before lunch, to wanting to buy everyone you know a tiny puppy and a bunch of freesias once you’ve eaten?

This phenomenon, as we’re sure you know, is called being ‘hangry’. You’re not just hungry, or just angry – oh no, you’re a delightful little cocktail of both.

We all have that one hangry friend in work, the one who can't control her hunger rage, the one we have to supply with emergency snacks, just to talk her down…

1. Just before lunch you turn into (a nastier version) of Regan from The Exorcist

OK, so your head’s not quite spinning around, nor are you shouting expletives (well at least not out loud) but it’s fair to say in that half hour before getting food in your belly you’re a complete wagon.

2. You see someone else eating and your colleagues have to hold you back

How DARE she open that burrito in my presence! Does she not know I’m teetering on the edge here? Guac, she’s eating guac? BUT SHE KNOWS I LOVE GUAC! Wait, how did those deep, animal-like scratch marks get onto my desk?”

3. You’re offered a crisp, so you grab the whole bag and hand them back ONE CRISP

Aren’t you a charmer? And when they politely ask you for their bag of crisps back, you point behind them and say, “Is that Superman?” using the moment they turn around to leg it out the door laughing hysterically.

4. You get sassy – particularly with your email sign off

You really should have had a snack. Because maybe if you had you wouldn’t have replied to one of the company’s most valued clients, “Yours sort of sincerely”.

5. When it’s someone’s birthday YOU blow out their cake candles… just to speed things along

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to… blah blah blah enough of that – time to cut the cake. Yep, I’ll have a nice big slice there thanks. Bigger. A little bigger. BIGGER THAN THAT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!”

Luckily even the hangriest so-and-so can keep this phenomenon at bay with Carr’s Crinklys, the delish new savoury baked cracker crisps from Carr's in Cheese & Onion, Salt & Vinegar and Bacon. A pack of these babies is just the right size to keep you ticking over, but won’t spoil your lunch or dinner – and they’re baked not fried, so are way healthier than normal crisps. We know what we’ll be filling our drawer with for those hangry moments!



Ryanair is planning to hire over 3000 people in the next year as it's set to take on 50 new aircrafts.

According to RTÉ, the company is looking for 2000 new cabin crew, 1000 pilots and 250 aircraft engineers.

But that's not all, recruiters will be looking for a number of people for IT, Sales & Marketing, Digital Experience, Financial and Commercial roles.

Ryanair's Chief People Officer Eddie Wilson said: "As our aircraft numbers grow from 355 to over 500 in the next five years, Ryanair will hire over 5,000 new people."


Let's be real, we all love pizza.

When we eat it, it motivates us to go to the gym, but did you know it's also a great motivator for work?

In Dan Ariely's new book Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations, he discovers that pizza can actually increase productivity in employees.

Dan conducts a study involving some factory workers at Intel in Isreal. He split the employees up into three separate groups. He promised one group a voucher for pizza, the next group a cash bonus and the third group a compliment from their superior.

And among the three awards, guess which won? The pizza voucher, of course.

In fact, the workers that were promised the pizza continued to perform better all week. 

Now if that doesn't motivate you, we don't know what will.


Rihanna topped the Billboard Hot 100 for nine consecutive weeks this summer with her single 'Work' that featured her beau Drake. 

However, despite the crazy success of the catchy tune, apparently it almost didn't get recorded!

In an interview with the New York Times, singer and music producer PartyNextDoor, who co-wrote 'Work' said that the song almost got rejected by Riri.

According to PartyNextDoor, Rihanna's “label didn’t care for Caribbean music at the time” and did not want her to record the song.

However the song “was all that Rihanna could sing around the house … she fought for it” and so her label reassessed the situation and agreed to let her record it.

We can all agree that was the best decision ever, with the song sitting pretty at number one for over two months. 

rihanna stare oh really fascinating blank stare

If you want to hear more sounds similar to 'Work', have a listen to PartyNextDoor's second studio, entitled PartyNextDoor 3


If you're in the habit of sacrificing a made-up face for an extra ten minutes in bed in the morning, it might be worth noting that that very habit could be costing you a lot come pay day.

Yes as much as it sucks, a pair of American sociologists have found that physically attractive people generally tend to make more money than those of us who are only of "average" good looks.

According to Marie Claire, researchers Jaclyn Wong and Andrew Penner found that "attractive individuals earn roughly 20 percent more than people of average attractiveness”.

But before you get too upset and start blaming your financial woes on genetics, it might be worth noting that the study shows the relationship between good looks and income is reduced when grooming is controlled for – which basically means that by wearing makeup to work, you boost your chances of making more money.

While it was previously believed that women's looks have a greater effect on their pay check than men's, this study actually found that perceived attractiveness is of equal importance for men and women when it comes to their income.

The report states: “Further, while both conventional wisdom and previous research suggest the importance of attractiveness might vary by gender, we find no gender differences in the attractiveness gradient.”  Wohoo for equality!

Interestingly – and again stressing the value a bit of slap can have in the workplace – the researchers did note that while grooming can fully make up the looks-income gap for women, it can only fill in half the difference for men.

So next time the man in your life tells you make-up is a waste of money, you now have the info to put him straight.



Sometimes, the Afternoon Slump is totally unbeatable, no matter how long you slept or how many cups of coffee you had.

Usually stopping by at around 3pm, it feels like a dark cloud is surrounding your head and it becomes *really* hard to function as a normal, working human being.

Well, as it turns out the dreaded slump isn't just all in our heads and it's a real, scientifically proven thing.

Francesca Bennet, health and wellbeing programme manager at AXA PPP Healthcare told Cosmo: "If you're lacking in energy and motivation in the afternoon, don't worry, you're not on your own. 

"Sleep is dictated by circadian rhythms also known as The Body Clock.

"The urge to sleep increases towards 2pm, this is driven by a natural dip in circadian alerting system and an increase in sleep homeostasis drive."

So basically, it's like a see-saw; when your alertness drops, your need for sleep increases.

"It occurs approximately 12 hours after we are in our deepest sleep at 2-3am.

"The Afternoon Slump is a normal feeling and has previously been associated with eating a big meal. This is not the direct cause, but may act as a contributing lifestyle factor on the sleep wake cycle.

"Poor lifestyle habits and insufficient quality and quantity of sleep can increase the feelings of tiredness and the Afternoon Slump," she added.



When applying for jobs most of us tend to err on the side of caution and use photos in which we are modestly dressed but, according to the experts, the opposite approach actually works better for women.

According to The Independent, a new French study has found – rather depressingly – that covering up can actually hinder a woman’s chance of bagging her job of their dreams.

For three years Dr Sevag Kertechian used the CVs of two women who were similar in looks, skills and experience to apply for jobs in sales and accounting.

The main difference between the two applications was the attached photos.

The results showed that the woman wearing a low-cut dress in her CV photograph was asked to 62 more interviews from 200 sales job applications than the woman whose outfit was less revealing.

A similar result was found for accounting applications with 68 more call-backs being given to whoever wore the low-cut dress.

In the interest of fairness, half of each woman’s applications featured her with a low cut neckline, while the other half showed her in a round neck.

Speaking at the Appearance Matters conference, Dr Kertechian said: “Our results showed interesting trends as low-cut dresses significantly influenced the choice of the recruiters, even for accounting positions.”

"Regardless of the job, whether customer-facing saleswoman or office-based accountant the candidate with the low cut clothing received more positive answers.”

“The results were quite shocking and negative but not necessarily surprising.”



Rihanna fans received a number of surprises at her Manchester gig last night and among them was one of our favourite things – free pizza!

As fans waited in the pouring rain outside the Emirates Old Trafford stadium, 20 mysterious pizza-filled boxes arrived at the scene – some of which were emblazoned with Rihanna's own signature – along with some dry towels for wet fans.

Naturally the receivers of the gifts couldn’t wait to share the news of what’d happened and took to social media to celebrate the experience.

But as great as pizza and towels are, that's not all Rihanna treated fans to last night as the star put on a seriously steamy performance with none other than her ex-boyfriend Drake.

While singing Work as part of Ri-Ri's Anti World Tour, Drake reportedly couldn’t keep his hands off the megastar and even began kissing her neck live on stage.

Once again fans went into total meltdown with one Twitter-user writing: "I can't believe I've just seen two of my faves grinding on each other. Please make babies @rihanna @Drake."

Earlier this week the pair sparked rumours that they were back on as they both waited until the very wee hours of the morning to leave Nicole Scherzinger’s birthday bash at Tape nightclub in London.

And – according to the Daily Mail – back in May it was claimed the pair had been “secretly dating for months” after they put on another suggestive performance at a concert in LA. 

Between pizza and Drake we're excitedly awaiting the Diamonds singer's next move.



Piglets are possibly one of the cutest animals on the planet – so we can't help but LOVE this clip of a piglet dancing to Work by Rihanna.

We've watched it over and over again because it's brightened up our day and now we shall bestow it onto you.

The video was first posted by Pigeons and Planes Facebook page last Wednesday and since than has racked up nearly 20 MILLION views.

You go, little pig. You're nearly as popular as Babe now.


Rihanna has been making headlines recently as she has cancelled a number of appearances in the past few weeks, including her Grammy gig.

But last night she certainly made up for it with her steamy performance with Drake.

She opened her number with Consideration and then a whole squad of back-up dancers joined her when she began to sing Work.

AND then, it totally heated up as Drake made his way to the stage to resurrect their flirty chemistry from their two Work videos.

And the cutest thing? Drake was all 'ALL PRAISE Rihanna' at the end of the song.

But seriously, their humping and grinding was so sexy, we're surprised Drake didn't put a ring on it afterwards. 


Okay, we're sold.

Reception for Rihanna's new album, ANTI, has been mixed so far, but the first video, for her single Work, is bang-on.

Basically, it features lots of Rihanna and Drake dancing together and getting all hot n' bothered – what more could you ask for of a Monday evening, really?

The video dropped on Rihanna's VEVO channel just a few minutes ago, and is already well on the way to its first 100k views. 

Take a look, and prepare to wish you were at *da club* rather than getting ready to board a jampacked bus/train/Luas…


We were pretty excited to hear this week that women in China will soon get a monthly allowance of leave days specifically for period pain.

Yep, rather than having to make up an excuse or mutter something about 'lady problems' when they're dying of cramps, employees in the Eastern Chinese province of Anhui will be granted one or two days off every month, if they show they have a history of tough period-related issues.

We do think it's something of an injustice that we're only officially allowed a 'sick day' in this part of the world when we're literally on death's door. After all, it's not always food poisoning or a case of the flu that has us wishing for a Get Out Of Work Free card.

Let's face it, some days you just need a bit of time out from the world.

With that in mind, here are a few occasions where we think a day off is TOTALLY justifiable, especially for us ladies. Listen up, employers.

1. When our period is generally making us feel like crap
It's not just cramps – it's the bloating, sluggishness and all round tiredness that comes with that time of the month. The cure? A day on the couch.


2. When we'd rather not speak to or look at ANYONE, thanks
PMS or just a standard 'I hate the world day'… Surely it's in our colleagues' best interests that we stay at home?


3. When our hair just won't do the thing, godammit
Either we're going to work wearing a wig or we're not going at all.


4. When we couldn't get to sleep until 5.30am
You know those nights when your brain just won't shut off? Disaster.


5. When it's just too cold to function
Who in their right mind would willingly abandon their cosy bed to venture out into THAT?


6. When Netflix drops a whole new season of OITNB
*cough* Sick day needed on June 17 *cough*


7. When the mirror is not being kind
'I can't come in, I'm having a fat day' = a totally acceptable excuse in our book

kate cats fat work out fat gifs


8. When one glass of wine turned into a bottle… and then some
We demand one official Weekday Hangover a year.


9. When you're definitely harbouring a cold, but could *probably* manage to get to work
Surely if you stayed at home today, you'd fight off that cold a whole lot faster. Who's with us on this?

