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We might have overdone it a bit over Christmas, drinking all the prosecco and all the mulled wine, but this little beauty of a smoothie will get you right back on track.

Filled with everything you need to cure a hangover, it's perfect for getting you back on track before work starts again.

Delish has an easy video to follow so you can whip this up in no time!


Feeling sluggish after eight hours at your computer? Desk yoga could be the answer.

Plus, any fitness trend that doesn't even require us to stand up is one that we can get behind. 

It won't just help with toned arms and a flat stomach either – studies show that yoga can help people dealing with anxiety and depression. 

So, while you may not be leaping up to sun salutations or downward dog poses while everyone else is gathered at the coffee machine, there are other poses you can do at your desk to help yourself out.

The Neck Roll 

Sit up tall and press your feet into the floor. Tilt you head towards one shoulder and hold for five seconds before repeating on the opposite side.

Back Bends 

Sounds a bit extreme, doesn’t it? No worries, all you have to do is reach behind you and hold the seat of your chair.

Push forward with your chest and tilt your head back. Repeat as necessary. Pro tip: also an excellent way of dramatically avoiding eye contact.

Side Bends 

It helps when your whole body feels stiff from spending hours sitting. Move to the right and sit up tall.

Put your left hand on your chair and press down. Lift your right arm straight up and reach to the left, take a few deep breaths and swap sides. Also a great way of starting an office-wide Mexican wave. 



So at 19, we wanted to sleep until noon, spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to use the washing machine and wondering what the hell we were going to do with our lives. The only life goals we had was to figure out how we could lead lives vaguely similar to the cast of the OC or Gossip Girl

At 19, Elizabeth Holmes had dropped out of the prestigious Stanford University School Of Engineering in California to set up her own biotech company. 

We feel a tad inadequate. 

Elizabeth, who is now 31, has a her own company called Theranos which just so happens to be worth an estimated €8.5bn. 

To add to Elizabeth's pretty impressive CV, Barack Obama made her an official ambassador for global business marking her success in her sector. 

Many news organisations have labelled her the "Steve Jobs of the biotech industry," a comparison aided no doubt by Elizabeth's penchant for black turtlenecks. Furthermore, her company has been cited by The New York Times as changing the face of "the health-care paradigm as we know it." 

However, it has not always been smooth sailing for Elizabeth. A recent investigative report into the company and published by The Wall Street Journal implied that Theranos was over exaggerating the importance of their technology. 

With a serious amount of hype surrounding her, of course there could be a few bumps on the road yet for Elizabeth. Even billionaires got problems!

However, with the world at her feet and (literally) billions in the bank, we are defo adding her to our #careergoals list. 


Oh naps and the glory of naptime.

It is the time of day that people around the world seem to understand the importance of, but we can’t quite work into our daily schedules past childhood. Which is just a terrible shame really. 

The most frustrating thing: in our youth we didn’t appreciate naps at all.Why were so oblivious to the beauty of the midday snooze way back when?

However! Science is stepping up and giving us a helping hand with a new study. It proves at work is the best time to take a nap.

We had already thought this was the case, but it’s nice to know the experts are on our side when our bosses consider the practice frowned upon. 

The sleep experts, along with the National Sleep Foundation, discovered that for people who don’t have trouble sleeping at night, a short power nap of 20 minutes (anything more starts a REM cycle, which is a deep sleep no-no) between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. will leave you rested enough to tackle the afternoon like an Olympian.

Maybe not an Olympian but it definitely feels like you’re some sort of goddess when you can politely decline three coffees at 4 in the afternoon with a certain smugness. 

There is some bad news if you toss and turn at night. These naps can make you groggier than if you never napped in the first place. So perhaps before you decide to commit to the siesta loving life, consider sorting out your night time sleep schedule first.

Does this mean those bizarre nap desks could be coming to an office near you? We think yes! 



With the Irish Rail strike taking place today – many commuters had no choice but to raid the piggy bank and hop in a cab to get to work on time.

So understandably, Hailo was rather busy. In fact, it was all-out Hailo MAYHEM this morning. 

As a result, we're guessing the hard-working company was raking in a serious amount of cash, though at least the good sports offered a 20 percent discount off the metre for peak-time travel.

And in Hailo's head office, operations executive Kevin Clarke had tweeted earlier that it was "full steam ahead," playfully adding: "Send coffee please."

They furthermore confirmed that the app had gone into "overdrive". 

The commotion also means that as well as #railstrike, (not to mention #adele in light of her new video release), @hailoireland is currently trending in the capital.

Thankfully for those who didn't have to be at their desks for 9am, the disruption to rail services has now ended. 



If you want a job that essentially doesn't require you to sleep under your desk (don't we all?!), then there are 25 gigs with particularly great hours that you should have on your radar. 

Glassdoor asked reviewers to rate their work/life balance on a scale from 0 to 5, and they found out some very interesting facts. 

With every year that goes by, the survey revealed that people are feeling less and less balanced every year. Back in 2009, the average rating was 3.5, but now it's down to 3.2. 

There are, however, some jobs that employees rate highly – like data scientists that ranked first on their list. They had the highest rating for a work/life balance, coming in at 4.2 out of 5. They also had the highest salary on the list, racking in nearly €155,000. 

Here's the top ten jobs, but you can check out the full 25 over here:

1. Data scientist

2. SEO manager

3. Talent acquisition specialist

4. Social media manager

5. Substitute teacher

6. Recruiting coordinator

7. UX designer

8. Digital marketing manager

9. Marketing assistant

10. Web developer


If you find yourself laying awake at night, freaking out about how you're going to get through the next day, we feel your pain.

It happens to the best of us, and no matter what we try, we just can't get to sleep.

But rather than propping your eyes open with matchsticks at your desk, help is at hand with these seven simple ways to get through your sleep-deprived situation:

1. DON'T hit the snooze button

Hitting the snooze button on your alarm is a big no-no. Those bite-sized chunks of sleep will actually make you feel worse. 


2. Eat breakfast

It's probably the last thing on your mind after a sleepless night but eating within an hour of waking will boost your cognition and is ideal if you have a foggy head.


3. Avoid sugar

A muffin or chocolate twist may sound MEGA-appealing when you're tired, but they will send you in a spiral of sugar crashes throughout the day. Stick to protein and grains instead. 


4. Go outside – and DON'T wear sunglasses

Natural light boosts your alertness by raising your body temperature – so don't do an Anna Wintour and wear your sunnies all day. 


5. Be strategic with your coffee intake

Having a cup of coffee in the morning, and another at lunch is fine but no more after 3pm. Caffeine lasts for eight hours in your system, so you don't want another sleepless night ahead of you.


6. Do your toughest tasks early

This will be your most alert time of the day so, to avoid any mistakes, do any difficult work in the morning. 


7. Do menial stuff in the afternoon

Sleep specialists suggest that you can only concentrate for ten minutes at a time when you haven't rested. So, that probably explains why you have resorted to funny cat videos by 4pm. 



The case for napping during the day has been argued for quite some time now. Everyone was very relieved when science took the side of the pro-nap team which research that suggests that you should in fact be paid to nap.

The book Take a Nap! Change Your Life proved that naps can boost productivity, increase alertness, and improve your accuracy among other benefits. So, it’s a good that there’s a new desk design on the way that will make sure you can get some shut eye.

The ultimate desk-bed hybrid is a Greek design from Studio NL. The side panels fold out to reveal a mattress and headboard. Very sleek.

Designer Athanasia Leivaditou told the Huffington Post that the design was supposed to a comment on the emphasis people place on their work these days.

"The desk concept came from my time working incredible hours at university," Leivaditou said. "It's meant to show how much of our lives we spend on work."

It also shows just how much we love a nice nap when that mid-afternoon slump hits hard.

The design won an awards at the recent A’ Design Compeititon for furniture and homeware. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that the design is going to be available worldwide soon. *broken heart emoji*

However, there is another design that might take your napping abilities to the next level: the StudyBed.



With the weather becoming extra chilly the past few weeks, we think it's time to start wrapping up!

And nothing comes in more handy than a good pair of boots during these colder times. 

We've found fabulous boots for you on the high street to suit every occasion that will come your way over the next few months. 

The Work Boot

These Boohoo boots will be comfy enough to stay in all through work, and they totally rock the season staple of fringe.


The Fancy Boot

Perfect for the weekend, these beauties will look very chic all through autumn and winter, no matter what else you're wearing. 


The Party Boot

If you don't want to freeze your toes off while wearing heels to a party, then opt for these New Look boots. They will probably look better than a pair of heels anyway!


The Day to Night Boot

These River Island grey suede boots are perfect for bringing you from the office to the bar. The heel height is quite small so there's no worries of sore feet!


The Sturdy Boot

These ASOS boots will get you through even the longest of days. Perfect if you're on your feet all day and want to keep warm.  


The Cool Boot

Heading to an event and you want to impress? Look slick and stylish in these green snakeskin boots. You'll be the envy of all your friends. 


The Day Off Boot

There's nothing better than a comfy boot for when you have a day off and the Chelsea style is perfect for lounging around. We love the colour of these Topshop ones


A video has emerged to show us how to survive a day in work after little or no sleep and we really needed this.

Whether it's because you were on a night out, or because you just had too much work to do, everyone experiences a sleep-less night from time to time but there is an answer to getting through the next day in work. 

New York magazine has shared some tips that were scientifically proven to help you make it through the day until you get back to your lovely bed. 

As you would expect, coffee is top of the list of getting through the day. This video explains how much and how often you should drink it to keep you going all day. 

This video also explains that if you do manage to catch a few Zzz's, when waking up, DO NOT hit the snooze button! This leaves you feeling groggy for the day so it's best to steer clear. 

Another tip is to make sure you eat breakfast, preferably within 1 hour of waking up which will boost your energy and help improve  your mood. Stick to whole grains and protein and skip the sugar as this will just cause you to crash even worse.

We tend to be drawn to sugary, high-carb food when we're tired but scientists suggest the best thing for you in this case is a light lunch with lots of veggies, protein and whole grains. 

Also recommended to keep you alert, ditch the sunglasses and be sure to get some natural sun light in your eyes on the way to work. 




Whether you need a space for work or study, there are ways of making it much more productive with minimal effort – which is our type of effort, obviously…

Here are some ways of getting your study space into tip-top condition to ensure you get the most out of your work:

Having a bright space to work in is really important, but never underestimate the calming effects of a lamp either. On those dull days we have a lot in Ireland, a lovely orange-y light emitted into the room will help you feel warm and cosy allowing you to work away in comfort.

While it can be nice to have two hot water bottles strapped to each leg, one on our middle and another for our back, making sure the room has air circulating is really important for concentration levels.

Not only do plants look nice, they also greatly improve the air quality of a room by reducing carbon dioxide levels. Businesses with more plants are said to have more productive workers who make less mistakes. We’re sold!

Blankets and pillows
Pretty pillows and blankets will make you feel cosy and by decorating your space will make it feel your own.

Many candles emit a subtle smell and a dim light which will make your space seem peaceful and snug. Just remember to blow them out! 



Office spaces can often be dreary and dull, especially if you work in an environment without a lot of light or with cubicle dividers.

It might not surprise you to know that sitting in a grey, uncomfortable and unwelcoming environment for eight hours a day can have a negative impact on your mood and even your health.

But it's much easier than you'd think to brighten up your desk space and make it more warm and inviting.

Here are a few tips…

1. Make the space personal to you
Bring your desk or cubicle to life with some framed photos and bright artwork. We love how much these fun prints brighten up this decidedly dull desk area:

2. Prettify your storage boxes
Wooden storage boxes like these can be picked up cheaply in Ikea or other homeware stores. Simply apply a layer of masking tape around the box, two inches above the bases, and paint the area below the tape in a calming colour like green or blue. Instant zen!

3. Make books, files and notepads into desk decoration
Rather than  stacking books and files in a messy pile or loading them onto your in-tray, get or make some cute bookends and display your things with pride! It'll help to de-clutter your desk, too.

4. Keep your desk as clean and minimalist as you can
The more clutter on your desk, the smaller it will feel. Try to clean it at the end of every day so that all files and notes are tucked away. 

5. Get a killer wall planner
Rather than writing meeting notes on scraps of paper, get a wipe-clean wall planner or calendar, like this framed one which can be written on with dry-erase markers.

6. Light your space up
If your desk does not get much natural light and you're sick of fluorescent bulbs, consider getting a lamp or a string of fairy lights to add warmth to your work space. Missing the bright natural light? Try a full-spectrum bulb in your lamp, which imitates sunlight.

7. Bring nature indoors
A desk plant can go a long way to making your workspace feel calmer and more open. If you travel a lot or don't trust yourself to keep it alive, try an air plant like a tillandsia which doesn't need watering. 

