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Getting offered your dream job is an amazing feeling, but what's not so amazing is all those VERY awkward moments you have to get through while you're settling in.

So many new tasks! So many new faces! It can all be a bit overwhelming.

Here are just nine of the horrible stages you have to get through in the first few days…

1. The terror/excitement of knowing tomorrow's the big day
The absolute fear.

2. Not having a clue what to wear
What in God's name does "smart casual" mean these days?

3. Leaving your house two hours earlier than usual
Well, the Luas might break down. IT MIGHT.

4. The cringe worthy introductions
"Hi, hi, hi, I won't remember any of your names in a minute's time."

5. Struggling to work the doorbell, the coffee machine, your computer… EVERYTHING.
If you hear the sound of your annoying voice saying "em, excuse me, could you just give me a hand with…" one more time, you're actually going to escort yourself out of the building. Everything is so hard to use!

6. Wondering how soon is too soon to whip out your Taylor Swift impression
It's charming, no?!

7. Eating lunch on your own like a loser
Oh, the perils of the office cafeteria.

8. Trying to get your head around everything
So many spreadsheets! How does everyone remember all this information?!

9. Praying for someone else new to start so you won't be the rookie anymore
"Go on, ask me anything. Ask me where the tea bags are."




Mondays are the worst.

Your sleep-ins are gone for another four days and you are really regretting that third tequila from Saturday night.

 Your mom was right, two-day hangovers ARE a thing.

Here are the things that seem to happen to us every single Monday!

1. As you stare at that grey porridge you instantly take back your Sunday post-binge promise to eat healthy this week. Croissant please!

2. Coffee. Coffee and then some more coffee please

3. You realise you forgot something important in your Friday euphoria to leave the office…

4. Your boss tells you he saw you Saturday night…and you get the fear all over again. Where?! When?! What was I doing?! Oh Gawwd

5. You get numerous glum Snapchats from equally sad friends who also hate Monday

6. You walk home in the rain and instantly take back your Sunday post-binge promise to go for a run every evening

7. You stick on the kettle, get into your fluffiest pyjamas and disappear into the couch, ahhh…

8. You vow to start eating healthily tomorrow and go for a run every night just like Gwyneth. Now, where are the chocolate biscuits?!




Wednesdays are officially the worst. Yes, even worse than Monday – who thought it possible. You are smack bang in the  middle of a work-week and it's dragging so bad. Here are some ways to make your hump day a little easier. 

1. Whip Up A Great Breakfast

You're not as tired as you would be on a Monday so get up a little earlier and make yourself a tasty breakfast. 

2. Dress To Impress

I know on a Monday morning the last thing most people feel like is doing a wardrobe edit and slipping in to something glitzy (ok maybe not glitzy), but honestly, start out the day by putting a little effort into your Hump Day look and you’ll feel so much better for it. Come 3pm you’re likely to be thanking yourself for not throwing on that hole ridden jumper.

3. Pump Out The Tunes

Stick in the headphones and bop along (subtly) to some happy songs. There’s nothing better than a little light, uplifting, musical entertainment, to distract you from your miserable self.

4. YouTube Animal Videos

The surefire way to happiness is half an hour spent watching the best the animal world has to offer. Whether it’s a dog passing out from happiness, a cat playing a keyboard or a pug coming down the stairs, you’re guaranteed a giggle or six.

5. Drink Caffeine By The Bucket-load

Mmm…coffee. Your too dehydrated on a Monday, so a Wednesday is perfect!

6. Go For A Creep

What better way to push through those midday meltdowns, than to distract your mind by gazing upon some luscious eye candy. Skip out for a quick breath of ‘fresh air’ and stroll near some office buildings to glance upon some babes in formal wear and shiny shoes. Failing that, ladies see above. (You’re pretty welcome).

7. Eat A Whopper Lunch

Feck the salad. It’s a Wednesday and we’re miserable. Get that gourmet (read: fattening) sandwich and enjoy every little bite. If you can eat it in a park where there will be pretty people to look at (see point 6), then even better.

8. Plan An Adventure

The mere thoughts of a great trip away, a day out or even a date with that weirdo off Tinder can all distract your mind from the most mundane of Hump Days. Never mind that report, hop onto Ryanair and see how far you could fly for €30. Bratislava anyone?

9. Rock Your Onesie

After a long (loooonnnngggg) day at work, you’ve survived and are now at home, collapsed on the bed. Congratulations, the most difficult portion of the week is over. The next step to joy? Shimmy out of your smart day clothes and straight into whatever killer onesie you own. Unless it’s dinosaur, unicorn or bird themed, then it’s far too serious and you’ll never be cheery.

10. (Pretend To) Be Loved Up

When all you want to do is smack the bus wanker in front of you who insists on shouting down the phone at his dentist, just dream of getting a nice hug/ spoon/ being told how loved you are, while wearing your afore-mentioned onesie. Or, join the more depressed portion of the population and watch rom coms with your cat and a large box of Quality Street. At least the cat can’t dump you.

11. Have An Early Night With Some Mushy Television

This is the final, yet vital step in ensuring that you squeeze the very best out of a rotten Wednesday. Filled with delicious food, fleeting glances of street babes and feeling really loved and looking totally sexy, take your laptop to bed and watch as much crappy, mindless television as your brain will allow. Then drift off towards that Friday and don’t forget to thank us in your dreams.

via our content partner CT



Going to work with a hangover is one of life's punishments for having so much damn fun. However, we know exactly how to outsmart that pesky headache: 

1. Have A Shower
Showers always make you feel better, but on days when you’ve been out drinking the night before, they have the added benefit of getting rid of the smell of alcohol from your skin. This is assuming you get up in time to have a shower before you leave, which we understand is an incredibly difficult task to accomplish during a hangover.


2. Eat Some Breakfast
Hard and all as it might be to stomach food at this hour, try and get something into you, even if it’s just half a granola bar or something. You’ll need fuel for the day and this will help get you to lunch.


3. Brush Your Teeth
Similar to the shower, it gets rid of that disgusting aftertaste of whatever you were drinking last night. People you talk to throughout the day will also thank you.


4. Drink Loads Of Water
When you drink alcohol, your body gets really dehydrated, and your brain actually shrinks as a result. Then the next day, headaches result from your brain going back to its normal size. So the more water you drink, the faster this can happen and the quicker the headaches will go away. How quickly depends entirely on just how much you had to drink the night before.



5. Eat Fruit
Fruit has got loads of natural sugars that can provide energy to get you through the day, and they are petty easy on the stomach as well. Bananas are probably the best because they provide potassium which is good if you’ve thrown up, and they also replace these things called electrolytes. Which is also good. Apparently.


6. Tactical Naps In The Toilet Are Key
The lack of sleep means that a nap might be in order, and the bathroom is probably the best place for it. Because you can lock the door, it makes it impossible for your boss or anyone else to walk in on you and catch you out.


7. Keep Your Head Down And Don’t Move Too Quickly
We're talking about keeping your head down as in avoiding your boss, or getting any complicated jobs. We don’t mean to actually keep your head down and rest it on the nearest available surface. If you need a nap, you know where the toilet is.


8. Go For A Walk
Fresh can really clear the head, so if you get the chance on your break or during lunch, get out of the building and just go for a wander. You’re not doing it for exercise so just take it as slow as you need to.


9.  Get A Ridiculously Greasy Lunch
You’ve already eaten the healthy fruit, so you’ve earned the greasy lunch. It’s not quite as satisfying as the take-away you had at 4am last night, but it’s still pretty good.


via our content partner CT



Charlotte Church has admitted that she is just like the rest of us. The Welsh singer, who was worth £25 million at just 17 years-old, has admitted that she’s going to have to work for the rest of her adult life if she wants to maintain her lifestyle: “I will have to work for the rest of my life. Not because I want to but because I have to.

“I always understood that all that stuff isn’t important and my career was not the be and end all.”

Charlotte’s millions have been falling over the years, despite launching a successful enough pop career (her song Crazy Chick was a top three hit). In 2010, Charlotte was down to £11 million. She divorced Gavin Henson around this time so no doubt that wreaked some havoc on her finances. Last year, the Sunday Times Rich List said she was down to £8 million – which is still a fairly hefty amount of money to be worth, but Charlotte says her real worth is far less, “The tax man is looking at my accounts wondering where I’m hiding all my money.”

The star is now recording her own music in a home studio in her back garden after setting up her own record label called Alligator Wine, and by the sounds of it, despite her dwindling finances, she’s happier than ever: “My life is so full and so rich I definitely feel like I’ve had the good side of the deal.”

Though that’s not to say she doesn’t still want the big bucks: “I haven’t got a lot of money. I’ve got enough to be comfortable if I was reasonable for the rest of my life, but I’m not reasonable, so I will have to find a way to sustain my lifestyle.”



Summer time is when many college students use their free time to take on full-time jobs to save, save, save.

That doesn’t mean it’s fun, in fact, it’s downright terrible most of the time.

Here are the worst jobs we’ve all had to do:

1. Fast food restaurants
It’s constantly jammers, you constantly smell like chips, but hey, at least they taste good!

giphy2. Sales rep
It is paid by commission and you would be lucky if you even make one sale. You have to dress nice too, which is a pain.

suits-0-gmacht3. Fund-raising
If you’re easily embarrassed this is definitely not the one for you. Even though your doing this for a good cause as well as money, everyone hates you.

466459514. Waiting tables
Having to put up with annoying customers all day? Clean up after them and have them be SO rude? You earn those tips, girl.

No-tip5.  Bar work
Working till 3 in the morning, cleaning up drunk people’s puke and constantly having sticky arms from jager? Bluegh.

489429536. Promotional work
You need high energy for this and it wears on you after a whileIt’s not much fun promoting a product that no one will try because it tastes like crap.

giphy7. Busking
It’s not a summer job, but you can make a few bob if you’re in the right place and play the right tunes.

f2bd2660c8696c864c5f4a65851fefdcdef71a5c885314d34d2bb19c4a0b79b18. Working on the farm
You have an uncle that owns  a farm and needs a spare hand to help out. It is physically demanding and you’re covered in cow manure by the end of the day.

tumblr_lef0ciHXrJ1qzbmi69. Shop assistant
If it’s your local shop it can be handy that it’s so near to you. You also have to put up with the locals.

super-bad-fml-o10. Hotel staff
Working in a hotel for the summer means you have to do every odd job there is. Taking the bags, cleaning the rooms and of course dealing with the snotty guests.

tumblr_mxfet94zDA1qa5etko1_50011. Telemarketing
There is a reason people don’t have house phones anymore, because of telemarketers. This is another one paid on commission and that requires the ability to be able to sell useless crap to people who don’t need it.

giphy12. Crèche
What is the best way to nurse a hangover? Working with screaming children all day long and having to organise activities for them. Woo…


13. Office work
When you’re working in an office over the summer you’re basically the officer caddy. You do all the little jobs like getting lunches, shredding useless paper and filing. The worst part is that your boss asks you to work over the weekend when you do absolutely nothing of note anyway during the week.


via our content partner CT


OK, so what if we acted in work like we do when we’re driving?

This hilarious video shows exactly what it’d be like.


Here are five yummy and healthy snacks, that will help keep you focused at work, but also stop your stomach from rumbling too.


Nowadays, there is plenty of selection when it comes to popcorn. But in order to ensure you’re keeping healthy, it’s a good idea to make your own batch the night before. That way you’ll know how much salt and oil is actually in your favourite popped snack.

Hummus and Veggies

Hummus is a great afternoon snack as its low in calories, a great way to help eat your daily dose of veg and also filling.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is not only low in calories, but because of its strong taste, it can help with portion control. It also has been proven to help improve your blood flow and even protect your skin.

Veggie chips

The healthy alternative to crisps. Veggie chips are lower in fat, but there is also so much choice when it comes to flavours. You’re guaranteed to find something you love.

Bag of fruit and nuts

Filling, delicious and guaranteed to keep you going till lunchtime.


Who knew that even more benefits could be added to the list for green tea?

In a study completed at the University of Basel in Switzerland, it was found that extract of green tea can improve the working memory.

The finding shows that drinking green tea can improve cognitive functions and it could be used as a treatment for cognitive impairments such as dementia.

One of the professors leading the study, Prof. Stefan Borgwardt, said that “our findings suggest that green tea might increase the short-term synaptic plasticity of the brain.”


Sitting at a desk for 8.5 hours can be not only hard on the mind but hard on the body also.

If you don’t have time to fit in a workout before or after work then why not try and fit one in during work?

These easy moves will stretch those muscles and help you to rid fatigue too.

They are also subtle enough not to make you look strange. Yay!

1. Leg extensions
Just stretch your leg out while sitting on your chair and pulse it for 15-20 seconds each side.

2. Desk dips
Face your back to your desk and put your palms on the table with your elbows facing out and dip like you would a regular tricep dip. Do 20-30 reps if you can!

3. Chair squats
Squat until you can feel the chair beneath you and then rise again. Repeat 10-20 times.

4. Arm waves
Just hold your arms out to each side and shuffle your wrists from side to side. Repeat 20-30 times.

5. Wall sit
Sit against a wall for as long as you can hold it.



The last thing in the world any self-respecting young woman wants to do is come across as, *whispers* desperate.

In order to move things forward, you need to find out if he likes you too and this involves adapting a few juvenile tactics. So, it’s a little Transition Year, but who cares! We have to look after number one. Here are some easy ways to get a little closer to him .

1. At work
If you work with him, tell him you are running to the coffee shop and ask if he would like anything. If he is into you and isn’t too busy he might even offer to come with you – perfect! If not, at least you have the coffee to deliver on the way back.  And if he growls no and waves you out of his office, do you really want to date him anyway?

2. In your building
If you live in the same building as him, call around one Sunday and say you are baking, dropped an egg and could you maybe steal one of his. While he fetches it, have a quick scope around for girly things. If you see none then call around during the week with a replacement egg for him – cute and quirky excuse to see him again.

3. On your commute
This one is a little more tricky because you need to not come across as a stalker. As in, don’t say: “I saw your name on your work badge and you look so different in a tracksuit rather than shirt and tie in your Facebook photos”. Eek. If he is reading ask him if it’s any good and that you were recommended it before.



It’s difficult to study or work from bed (no matter how hard we try) because we associate it with sleep and rest.

In the same way, it is difficult to study or work in the living room because we normally watch TV and switch off mentally in there.

A space needs to be created in which you can stimulate yourself and be in full mental capacity. Use our tips to make your creative space a haven.

1. A window
A space with a window means you will be able to air the room efficiently and this will drastically improve your concentration. Rooms that are hot and stuffy may feel cosy but will also make you feel sleepy.

2. Plants
Having one or two plants in your study/work space will allow the air to be purified as well as aesthetically pleasing. See which plants require the least attention. 

3. Inspirational quote
Hang up some inspirational quotes, either your own ones or famous ones, to remind yourself what you are working so hard towards and what you want to achieve.

4. Brightness
A bright room with lots of natural light will be more enjoyable to work in as well as more stimulating for the mind. Light coloured furnishing and walls will help you concentrate better than darker colours which are more associated with relaxing.

5. Noticeboards
Use one noticeboard for important reminders and another for more fun things like photos of friends and family, funny quotes, cinema stubs etc.
