Five smartphone apps for a healthier and happier you
We'd love to say we lead a phone-free life outside of our working hours, but that is just so far from the truth we're not even going to try and lie about it.
If, like us, your phone or tablet is glued to your hand every minute of the day, then why not make your time work for you by downloading some apps that are specifically designed to improve your mental and physical health?
From running trackers to a photo-sharing app with a difference, there are some great apps out there that will make living a mindful, healthy life easier and more convenient.
Here are a few we're loving at the moment…
iOS and Android
This meditation app starts you off with its Take 10 series, a simple introduction which involves doing ten minutes of guided meditation a day for ten days. Straight away we noticed we were sleeping better and feeling more relaxed before bed. Each session is led by Headspace founder Andy, whose calm and cheerful voice will make you feel instantly at ease.
You-app with Jamie Oliver
iOS and Android
If you're looking for a change from Instagram, this is a great start. Each day users are given daily "micro-actions" for Food, Mind, Move and Love, such as "snack smart", "explore the neighbourhood" or "eat a balanced brekkie." You can complete each task by uploading a picture to the app, which other users can view.
Nike + Running
iOS and Android
After trying out a gazillion run tracker apps, we've finally found one we're happy with. Nike + records the length (miles or KM), route and calories burned for each workout, and logs them in a clean, concise interface that's really easy to navigate. You can also hook the app up to your phone's music and set a Power Song for that final mile or awful hill.
Sleep Cycle
€1.99 for iOS, €3.32 or Android
If you find you're waking up groggy even after eight hours of shut-eye, your sleep cycle could be to blame. Sleep Cycle analyses your movements to track your sleeping cycles and wakes you up during the lightest sleep cycle, ensuring you feel as refreshed as possible. You can set a time frame during which you wish to be woken up, so there's no danger of sleeping in.
5 Minute Yoga
FREE for iOS
Not available for Android
If you keep skipping that yoga class in favour of the couch, start small with a short session each day, led by your smartphone. A timer ensures all poses are performed for the correct amount of time, and the mix of flexibility and strength exercises make it ideal for beginners.