Ten years of Twitter! Find your very first tweet (and prepare to CRINGE)
So Twitter turned ten years old yesterday which is making us feel kind of old, considering we still remember a world without Twitter.
The social media giant may have been around for a long time, but if you are a compulsive tweeter, then your Twitter account probably has been too.
But can you remember what your very first tweet was?
To celebrate its eighth birthday two years ago, the bigwigs at Twitter launched a tool that shows you your very first tweet ever and you can still use it.
And the best part is, you can check out anyones first tweet.
And it's safe to say most people (including celebrities) did not have it mastered on the first go, as we soon found out:
Taylor Swift, for example, has not changed at all in her EIGHT years on Twitter
Selena didn't have a clue
Gigi was doing… pretty much exactly what she does now
Meanwhile her current boyfriend Zayn was busy stating the obvious
And Kylie, at 13, was just excited to be allowed use social media
Meanwhile, her big sis Kourtney was ALL of us our first day in Twitter-sphere