Thank you internet, for this HILARIOUS deleted Friends scene
Friends may have ended over a decade (!) ago, but we can still recite just about every major quote from the entire ten series. Plus, thanks to E4, box sets and the joys of YouTube, even if you weren't a diehard fan you've no doubt been subjected to repeated viewings of every episode since the show finished in 2004.
As self-confessed Friends addicts, now and forever, we were delighted to discover that there was on scene in particular we had yet to see.
Back in 2001, the crew behind Friends wrote and filmed a scene in which Monica and Chandler are apprehended at the airport and accused of being terrorists as they head off on their long-awaited honeymoon to Cancun. The reason? Chandler starts joking about bombs within earshot of security, of course.
The episode was due to air in late September of that year but had to be completely rewritten after the tragic events of 9/11 two weeks before the scheduled air date.
Although the full deleted scene first leaked a few years back, it's been popping up on social media again over the last 24 hours. We're not sure why but we aren't going to question it… anything for more of Chandler's antics, please.