‘That sucked’ Stranger Things’ El not impressed after Mike’s gob lob
If you've been glued to Netflix original series, Stranger Things, you'll have been hard-pressed to ignore the burgeoning romance which appears to be blossoming between Mike – one of the show's main protagonists – and his new friend, Eleven.
And while the young actors – Finn Wolfhard who plays Mike is 13 and Millie Bobby Brown who plays Eleven is 12 – have tackled some incredibly harrowing storylines over the course of the show's arc, when it comes to kissing, there's no denying their young age.
Speaking to Vulture, Finn opened up about his first foray into scenes which contained a romantic element, and while he insists he was comfortable, Millie's reaction to their first shift was a little less enthusiastic.
"Because we got along so well and we were friends prior, we were more comfortable with it because we knew what was going to happen," he began before revealing it didn't end quite as well as it began,
"Once it happened, it was just, whatever. Millie's reaction was the funniest thing I've ever seen on set," he admitted. "We didn't kiss until the first take, and we did it. It was a really good take."
"They yelled cut. Millie got up and just looked, like, disappointed," Finn confessed. "Then she yelled out, “Kissing sucks. That sucked.”
And while many young lads would balk at Millie's reaction to their mad skillz, Finn thought it was hilarious, laughing: "It was the funniest reaction I've ever seen on a person, because I was her first kiss. I don't know, it was really, really funny."
Fair play to him – we don't know if we'd have handled that reaction so well.