‘That’s no man’s decision to make’ Muslim teenager proves troll wrong
After an acquaintance told 17-year-old Lamyaa that she would likely be beaten by her father if she made the decision to remove her head scarf, Lamyaa decided to prove her family's critic wrong.
"I did feel the need to prove him wrong,” she explained. “And that’s where messaging my dad came in. I didn’t consider taking off my scarf, I just wanted to have a response from my dad to prove that what he said is false."
Contacting her father with a suggestion that she would like to stop wearing the hijab, Lamyaa was met with nothing but support from the man who moved his daughter to the United States from Saudi Arabia more than ten years ago.
Sharing a screenshot of the original remark alongside a screenshot of her conversation with her father, Lamyaa sought to highlight the disparity between the two.
Since this is a mentality a lot of you seem to have pic.twitter.com/CQn5L8zibS
— l a m y a a (@lxmyaa) April 15, 2017
"Since this is a mentality a lot of you seem to have," she wrote alongside the post which showed Lamyaa's father's insistence that her decision to remove her hijab is her's alone.
"Sweetheart, that's not my decision to make," he had replied. "That's no man's decision to make. If it's what you feel like you want to do, go ahead."
"I'll support you no matter what," he added.
— l a m y a a (@lxmyaa) April 15, 2017
Commenting on the interest which was piqued as a result of her post, Lamyaa said: "I expected him to be supportive but not concerned. It felt great to know that I had him and his love and support."
Eager to remind Twitter users she can't speak for anyone except herself and her family, Lamyaa wrote: "I personally chose to wear the hijab, for myself and for God."
"I do not represent anyone but myself. However, I will always stand up for others."
Lamyaa's tweet has been liked 313,000 times in just three days.