‘That’s not cool at all’ Biebs branded a bully amid Tay and Kimye drama
Just when it looked like the dust had finally settled on the Taylor Swift and Kimye drama, Justin Bieber decided to go and re-ignite the whole thing by sharing a very snarky post on Instagram.
In a move which perfectly suits someone who was done for egging his neighbour's home, Justin shared a still of a FaceTime he had with Kanye earlier today, and wrote: "Taylor swift what up."
Making it very clear that his loyalties lay with the Life of Pablo singer, Justin came in for a lot of criticism from Instagram users who felt his contribution to the saga was unnecessary and verged on bullying.
"You bully, that's not cool at all," wrote one of the singer's followers while another added: "What's with you people keep on shading her? And what's with him trying to join in the drama?"
Concerned that JB may have scuppered his opportunity to rekindle his relationship with Selena Gomez after publicly slamming her friend, another follower warned: "Any chances of getting Selena back is over after this."
While many Instagram users made it clear they were less than impressed with Justin's supposed attempt to re-ignite the drama, others found the post hilarious and complimented the Love Yourself singer on his choice of caption.
"This is the greatest thing I think I have ever seen," wrote one while another remarked: "This is why you are my favorite."
Despite the backlash, the post has clocked up a staggering 902,000 likes in just five hours, so it looks like more than a few people are on Team Justin.