The 15 signs that boy is definitely a keeper!
Some guys just have it all, don’t they? Sweet, kind, gentle, loving, you name it, he is it! Here are the 15 signs you may have bagged yourself Prince Charming himself.
1. He makes you laugh
A sense of humour is one of the most underrated qualities in a person. If he can make you laugh, you’ll always be entertained with him and you’ll enjoy his company that much more.
2. He takes care of you when you’re sick
If you ever felt like you were doubting how much he cares about you, if he takes care of you when you’re sick and sniffly, you’ve got yourself a keeper.
3. He doesn’t check out other girls when he’s with you
Every man and woman does it, and it’s okay. You check out that ass that just walked by but don’t ever do it in the presence of your girlfriend or boyfriend. That’s always a big no no, it’s just downright disrespectful.
4. He laughs at your jokes
He laughs at your jokes, not because he feels like he has to, but because he genuinely finds them funny. There’s a sense of ease and comfort when you talk with one another – nothing is forced.
5. He buys you great gifts
Any guy who has mastered the art of buying girl presents is a king among us mere mortals. What do girls like? We don’t even know what we want so picking out a girlfriend’s present is one of the toughest tests a man will ever have to face.
6. His personality doesn’t drastically change when he’s drunk
He doesn’t have a schizophrenic alter ego who appears after 4 drinks. All of our personalities get a bit more obnoxious when we’re drunk, but there is a limit to how far the acceptable amount can go. If he doesn’t start flipping tables, mouthing off and embarrassing you in public when he’s drunk, he’s probably okay.
7. He has plenty of guy friends
He has plenty of guy friends to hang out with, so he won’t become the overly-attached OBSESSIVE boyfriend. He has other people to spend his time with when you’re out with your girls.
8. He’s always honest with you
He’s not shady and he doesn’t lie to you. This is always a good indicator of someone’s personality. If he lies about the trivial small things, what makes you think he wouldn’t lie about the bigger things, like cheating?
9. He has an interest in what you do
He takes an interest in your job and your hobbies. That’s how you’ll know that he’s DEFINITELY into you. Tick!
10. He cuddles after sex
He won’t do the deed and roll over to face the wall. Sex with you is more to him.
11. He encourages you to have girls’ nights
He doesn’t try and keep you from your friends or want to spend every second of every day with you. He knows that your friends are just as important as he is and encourages you to see them too.
12. He is pretty useful in the kitchen
If he can cook anything more substantial than two slices of toast, that’s a big plus. If he ever brings you up breakfast in bed without you asking, he’ll immediately hold the key to your heart.
13. He’s not afraid to stand up for himself and his loved ones
He doesn’t take any sh**, and he will always stand up for his friends, family and you if anything ever kicks off.
14. He knows when to give you your space
He knows that you need your time alone and doesn’t harass you or make you feel guilty for not spending time with him when you’re not feeling well.
15. He surprises you with the occasional night out or gift
He whisks you out to dinner, surprises you with a gift or a weekend away. And it’s not even your birthday, anniversary or Christmas, whaaaat?!