6 easy ways to burn body fat forever that you need to try
If there’s one thing we know about crash-diets it is that they generally don’t work. Or else they work for a week and then you’re back to square one.
That is just no good.
There are an awful lot of misconceptions about losing body fat and how best to go about it in a healthy way. If you want to strip away some excess body fat and make sure it stays away for good, then we found some useful tips and easy tricks for you.
Ditch the starchy carbs
Carbs seem to have been at centre of much controversy for years now. While there’s no doubt that carbs are important, it is also good to know what type of carbs you need. Chose whole grains or sweet potatoes and try swapping things like pasta for vegetable based options.
Sleep more
Our new favourite method of ditching the muffin top; naps! Getting the right amount of sleep every night means you won’t be overly fatigued, which can lead to over eating and keep your metabolism unbalanced.
Eat more fibre
Women’s Health have pointed out a study which showed that fibre can increase your fat brunign potential by up to 30 per cent. So start including fruits, veggies and things like bran cereal in your diet.
Stay hydrated
The University of Utah conducted a study which found dehydration can stop you from burning up to 2 per cent less calories than those who stayed hydrated throughout the day. This is because your body needs water to carry out its chemical reactions.
Always eat breakfast
A balanced breakfast will get your metabolism off to a good start so it’s important you eat in the morning, apparently the ideal would be an hour after waking up.
Eat plenty of protein
Especially if you’re working out. Protein is invaluable in helping your muscles repair themselves so you need to ensure you’re getting enough. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says active women should consume 0.5 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.