You cheated! The board-games that cause the most family arguments
If you’ve ever played a board game with your family you’ll know that it can be a heated affair.
Classic games such as Monopoly and Jenga ignite the competitive streak within, often leading to household conflicts.
With the world on lock down and board games usage set to increase, a new report by Onlinecasinos has identified the top ten board games most likely to cause a family fallout.
Onlinecasinos used social listening to track mentions of popular board games, revealing how many posts are about a fallout rather than wins. The data was analysed from March 2019 to 2020.
Monopoly comes out as number one for a family fallout with 28,176 social posts complaining about conflicts during play.
Second in the rankings is the all time classic Jenga. With 6290 posts, it looks like the bricks are not the only things on edge in the family game.
The top ten board games set to cause a bust up can be seen below:
Trivial Pursuit
Mouse Trap