The eight very real and emotional stages of growing out your fringe
If you've had a fringe or bangs, you've more than likely been on an emotional roller coaster while growing them out.
Don't worry, we've all been there. So, whether it's your first time or hundredth, you can expect to go through these stages of the process:
Yay! You're growing out your fringe.You just can't wait to toss your hair over your shoulder each morning and not have to worry about styling your fringe so you don't look like the Grinch. You're SO over bangs anyway.
It looks like your hair grew about half a centimetre this week, hurrah! At this rate, you can shove your fringe behind your ears in a week or two. And you better stock up some clips and pins in the meantime.
You knew it wasn't going to be easy, but does it really take THIS long. You've read every article there is about styling your hair while growing it out, but nothing works for you. And can anyone over 7-years-old really pull off a hairband?!
Joy (when you see a slight progress)
OK maybe you can rock the side swept look. "Where are all of those clips I bought last week though?!"… They're long gone, so you'll have to use some mega-hold hairspray.
It's just not going right. Maybe you need to take some hair-growing supplements. Or, maybe there's something wrong with your diet or shampoo. Would hair extensions work?! So many questions.
You have a big event coming up next week and you realise there's no way you can wear your hair down without looking like a shaggy dog. Maybe if you snip off that tiny uncontrollable bit it might look a bit better.
OMG, what a disaster. Why did you go near those scissors. That's it, it's time to call your hairdresser ASAP for an emergency appointment. She'll sort it out.
You walk out of the hairdressers sporting bangs like Beyoncé. It's OK though, you'll be growing them out again in no time… right?