‘The hardcore offenders’: Motorist racks up €25,000 in M50 tolls
It is an unfortunate regular occurrence that we decide to take the M50 to our mates gaff and then completely forget to pay the bloomin' toll by 8pm the next day.
When those white envelopes arrive in our postbox, we are filled with a knowing sense of fear.
But we ALWAYS pay our fine.
Well, one cheeky motorist has purposefully tried to evade paying the dreaded toll but he should have known that there is simply no messing with eFlow.
And it seems that most of us have accepted this fact as the compliance rate for paying the charge is at 96.7%.
Despite this, that still leaves a massive €1.5 million worth of tolls unpaid every year.
The motorist in question managed to rack up a €25,000 fine as the State has been forced to take serious action against those refusing to cough up the toll fare.
The high fine rate given to one motorist was the result of five separate convictions in which the judge applied a €5,000 euro charge on each case as the recipient had failed to turn up in court.
And according to eFlow, there are a number of "hardcore offenders" who have each racked up over a hundred unpaid tolls. There has also been 46 vehicle seizures.
These people have clearly not figured the automatic debiting system online because it's the greatest thing EVER.
Pay your toll people.