The lazy-girl guide to losing weight WITHOUT having to hit the gym
There are those of us who can think if nothing better to do than don a tiny pair of running shorts and hit the spinning class the second their work day ends. Then there are also those of us who see the shorter evenings as an excuse to catch up on our TV shows and enjoy warm snacks.
If you are one of those people who doesn’t particularly love the thought of the gym after a long day (or before one, early morning gym people can be the worst), then we have good news.
You can still get fit and healthy, and you don’t need a gym membership.
Go for a bike ride:
It doesn’t have to be incredibly strenuous, Also, you’re probably less inclined to notice you’re doing so much physical activity when if you pick a scenic route.
Take the stairs:
If you’re at work or just out and about, make the effort to take the stairs and not an elevator. You’ll burn more calories, and possibly save some time if you work in a busy office building.
Park further away:
It seem like a nuisance, but if you’re going to be desk-bound all day there’s no harm in spending an extra minute or two walking from the car park.
Laugh more:
This is probably our favourite study that we’ve come across yet. While research maintains that you can’t eat fast-food every day and expect to have rock hard abs after a few giggles, they do say "every calorie counts". Laughing raises your energy expenditure and increases your heart rate from 10 to 20 per cent.