‘Eh, the Lip?’ 12 things you will only know if you grew up in Leixlip
If you grew up in the town that was famously home to Arthur Guinness's first brewery, you'll know Leixlip is chock-full of its very own quirks, traditions and iconic establishments.
While a lot has changed over the course of two decades, there are some things which will definitely resonate with anyone who grew up in the town throughout the 90s and noughties.
And here are just 12…
1. To outsiders, the smell at the bridge was nothing short of eye watering. To you, it (tragically) symbolised home.
"Don't mind the stank.They're working on it."
2. Stepping foot over the threshold of John Paul's back in the 90s meant the summer was officially over, and a new school year beckoned.
"Mam, I want an elastic tie so I can do the elephant."
3. The Obelisk was haunted; no ifs, ands or buts.
"Dare you to walk around it three times at midnight, ya chicken sh*t."
4. Jungle World was your only man for birthday parties and half-day celebrations.
"Race ya down the Freefall."
5. There are certain songs which will always remind you of nights down the Ozone.
"Sean Paul and Blu Cantrell…"
6. Chanting 'Hiller, Hiller, scum, scum' constituted a good night if you were a 14-year-old Farender.
"Sketch, they heard us."
7. Chasing people who called you 'Hiller Hiller, scum, scum' constituted a good night if you were a 14-year-old Hiller.
"That's it. Get 'em."
8. You spent two hours hanging around outside Sam's after the Ozone in order to see if there were any gaf parties happening.
"Your man said there was something happening in Castletown. Get in that taxi."
9. Lucey's and Smaller's were the places to go if you had 10p to your name, and a craving for pure sugar.
"This is the fifth time we've been in here today."
10. Growing up in the birthplace of Guinness was your claim to fame on every holiday you ever went on.
"Sure, my dad invented it."
11. You used get a secret kick when Intel and Hewlett Packard featured on the news.
"Look! RTÉ is in Leixlip! In LEIXLIP!"
12. The Leixlip Festival was the highlight of your year at one point.
"I've been drinking for three days straight, and I can't find my way home."