The moment puppies realise they’re going to see the vet
Almost all dog owners will be familiar with the struggle that is getting your four-legged pal through a trip to the vet’s office with ease.
Even if your canine companion takes it all in their stride, you’re bound to have seen another unfortunate soul who just can’t convince their pup that it’s really not a big deal.
Social media users have long been documenting their pets hilarious, and sometimes emotional, reactions to being forced into a routine doctor’s visit. Here’s just a few of the best, but there are many more to be found we are most certain.
They will use their charm to try and get as from you as possible:
This guy is just going for the cold shoulder technique:
Or they just let their heartache show:
Going from happiness to despair in 5 seconds:
They turn to older and wiser friends for support:
Sometimes it takes a while for the realisation to dawn on them, but it does: