The most beauty obsessed ladies in the country are who?
And the award goes to… The ladies of Cork and Limerick.
Cork residents have been found to purchase the most discounted deals on beauty treatments. According to a recent survey, the women of Limerick city are apparently the second most beauty obsessed in the country. Who knew?
Discounted beauty deals count for 31% of all those purchased on Living Social in the Cork region, while in Limerick it came to 30%. South Dublin dwindled down to 18% and Galway came in at 23%.
And what do these beauty savvy ladies chose to spend their hard earned cash on you ask?
Manicures, pedicures and teeth whitening are some of the most popular indulgences for the local ladies.
The online shopping website Living Social is reporting that people in Limerick are the ones snatching up those bargain beauty deals before anyone else in the country even gets a look in.
Haircuts, waxing, laser treatments and the all-important all-over spray tan are all high on the list of purchased beauty treatments. These ladies have clearly got their priorities.
For those in Cork, the most popular treatments were manicures and pedicures. More of these packages were bought in Cork than anywhere else in Ireland and the UK.
Let it never be said that us Irish ladies don’t like to look our best, and we’re not afraid to invest in or ourselves either apparently!
If ever there was a time to use the nail painting emoji it would be now.