The secrets behind Caitlyn’s new face are revealed
Caitlyn Jenner is without a doubt the most high profile transgender celebrity the world has ever seen.
For such a public figure, it is truly remarkable that she has allowed the world to witness her entire transition. We have joined Caitlyn on her journey since her previous life as a man, through the hardships of telling her family, to becoming Caitlyn and physically identifying as a woman.
So, just how exactly does the new face of Caitlyn Jenner differ from the old face that we all knew so well?
Caitlyn’s surgeon, Dr Harrison Lee, has opened up and spoken about exactly what he did in order to help Caitlyn acquire a face that she could identify with.
Dr Lee spoke about the facial feminization surgery that Caitlyn underwent, admitting that while it is a surgery for an incredibly niche market, it is more common than people would realise. He even revealed that he has performed the surgery on a number of other celebrities.
Speaking to MarieClaire.com, Dr Lee said, “Knowing how high-profile this surgery was going to be, I was thinking about all the people who were on the fence about this type of surgery, and knowing that if Caitlyn’s surgeries were successful, they would empower other transgender candidates to realise that they, too, can live the life they choose.”
Specifically, Dr Harrison said that the facial feminisation surgery generally focused on jaw contouring, chin contouring, and tracheal shavings. Although, he said that everyone has a different idea of what beautiful is, so his ultimate goal is to make each individual patient happy.
Caitlyn has become a transgender icon, and there is no doubt that her openness about her life will be a source of comfort and pride for many other transgender people who are struggling with their identities.