So, the sky over Ireland has to be seen to be believed this weekend
Whether you're a total astrology buff or struggle to differentiate between one star and another, you won't want to miss out on a spectacle which is set to illuminate the night sky over Ireland this weekend.
According to those in the know, the annual Perseid meteor shower will be at its peak this weekend, with Astronomy Ireland predicting that the public will be in a position to enjoy in excess of 80 shooting stars between Friday and Sunday.
PASS IT ON: Perseid meteor shower peaks this Friday and Saturday night. Around 60 meteors possible per hour! #MeteorShower #Space pic.twitter.com/JfMfP8xPtS
— Mark Tarello (@mark_tarello) August 9, 2017
The more observant among us may have already spotted a few shooting stars in recent weeks as the annual Perseid meteor shower has actually been lighting up the night sky since July 17, but this weekend will be the best one to do some serious stargazing.
So, if you are going to treat yourself to the astrological spectacle, experts recommend you allow around 20 minutes for your eyes to become accustomed to the dark, and suggest you begin gazing between 1am and dawn.
"The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you." – N. deGrasse Tyson #Perseids #MeteorShower peaks Fri/Sat of this week! pic.twitter.com/KWDMwgjuen
— Grand Canyon NPS (@GrandCanyonNPS) August 10, 2017
Ladies, you know what to do this weekend.