There’s a reason why women love wearing their bf’s boxers so much
Whether it's an impromptu sleepover or you've just forgotten to pack a few essentials, there comes a time in every relationship when someone is going to have to borrow an item belonging to their other half.
Deodorant, phone chargers, the new toothbrush in the bathroom press – it's pretty much all up for grabs when you're sharing a room for the night. After all, sharing is caring, right?
Few things are off limits – not even underwear.
According to a new survey conducted by fashion company Style Compare, almost half of all women aged between 18 and 24 like to borrow their partner's underwear from time to time.
In fact, 40 per cent of women admitted they had borrowed their boyfriend's boxers on more than one occasion over the last year.
What's more, 17 per cent of men said they borrowed their girlfriend's underwear – though we have a sneaky suspicion the actual figure is probably higher.
All in all, results showed that 14 per cent of the 2,000 people survey (both men and women across all age groups) said they had borrowed their partner's underwear at one point or another.
For us women though, it seems we're drawn to the comfort offered by male under garments, with a spokesperson for Style Compare saying: “Men benefit from designs that put support and comfort first” – which, let's face it, is completely true.
Give us flowy cotton shorts over lace thongs any day of the week.
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