These are the things that anyone who loves coffee needs to know
Are you one of those people that cannot function before 9 o'clock unless your coffee cup is glued to your hand? Yes? Well don't worry because you are not alone. Like many of the people on this earth, we at SHEmazing are pretty much coffee obsessed.
It is a love that runs deep and we take it quite seriously. It is a very rare occasion indeed if that delicious coffee smell is not wafting from our desks. Sometimes we wonder if our blood has actually become caffeinated. Probably not the healthiest quirk to posses, but it's a tough habit to quit.
If you are coffee lover, or know one (who doesn't?), then these little nuggets of information are going to be very valuable for you.
Soy milk is chemically predisposed to curdling in your coffee:
This is because of the temperature and acidity of coffee. You can avoid it however; you can take cold soy milk and freshly brewed espresso and steam the two together. Or, you can buy soy milk that is especially made to be used with coffee.
Don't microwave your coffee:
If your cup has been sitting out for a while, but you are in a desperate need of a fix you really are better off just making a fresh cup. For two reasons: the first being that if you take milk then that should not be sitting out of the fridge for over two hours. The second is that it's going to taste really bad. Just don't do it.
Dark roast is not the 'strongest':
The darker the roast, the less the caffeine. Darker roasts have a rounder, fuller taste as opposed to a stronger level of caffeine.
'Extra hot' coffee probably doesn't taste better:
It will also scorch the mouth off you and no one wants that before the work day begins, unless you're a masochist- but aside from that, over steaming the milk can ruin the flavour and texture of your coffee.
If you're in it for the Instagram likes, then you need to stick with full fat milk:
Most misshapen leaf and sad love heart latte art is because of almond milk, apparently. So if you want to take an arty #nofilter snap of your morning coffee to make others jealous of your trendy lifestyle, then go for normal milk.
A macchiato is possibly not what you think it is:
Normally this is an espresso with a little milk. The Starbucks version is entirely different….
You can keep your coffee at the perfect temperature with this gadget:
It's a USB heated travel mug, surely you know someone who needs this in their life.
Between 9:30 and 11:30 in the morning is the best time to drink your first cup of coffee:
If you can wait that long. This is because your cortisol levels (stress hormone) are high in the morning. You don't want caffeine when this is happening because cortisol already makes you feel alert.