These #ChristmasFails will make you feel so much better about yours
Let's face it, Christmas isn't like the commercials.
Hard and all as we might try each and every year, December 25 rarely goes off without a hitch.
And while you may be certain other families are having a picture-perfect day while yours struggles to remain civil, Twitter is here to remind you that this simply isn't the case.
Whether it's present-related catastrophes or sibling-related rows – the root of which no one can remember – Christmas Day is absolutely rife with fails.
And we're only too happy to take a closer look…
Today my grandma called my sister fat and told me I could become a stripper with my body. How'd your Christmas go?#christmasfail
— Hillary (@hillaryyoungs) December 25, 2017
This Christmas, my family fought about who will be buried in the family grave. There were tears and everything…My mother said she refuses to spend eternity next to her sisters in law. #ChristmasFail #christmasfails @jimmyfallon
— Belle (@BelleAbigail) December 26, 2017
I bought my fiancé concert tickets to go see the band “The Bahamas” and she got all excited thinking I was taking her to the actual Bahamas #ChristmasFail @jimmyfallon
— Bill Muter (@tubavisionary) December 26, 2017
Bringing your individual entree, with specific instructions on how your host should prepare it, makes one helluva first impression. #ChristmasFail
— Lindsey Lou (@Midwestern_Girl) December 26, 2017
Definitely accused my mom of forgetting/losing my gift of a pet memorial locket, and then found out that it's shipping from China and takes like, 2 months to arrive. #ChristmasFail
— Бритвочка(@b_mazzz) December 26, 2017
Hey remember that Christmas when it was an hour before dinner and you checked on the turkey only to realize the oven wasn't on?! Ooooh yeah #Christmas 2017 in full effect! #Christmasfail #ChristmasDay #oops #NationalLampoonsChristmasVacation pic.twitter.com/CS7XJVECzk
— Regan Rankin (@LittleRegan) December 25, 2017
Gave my parents each a DNA ancestry kit. Dad said, "I don't even want to know more about the living people I'm related to, let alone all the dead ones." #christmasfail
— Stephanie M (@StephieNM) December 25, 2017
Overheard on the scanner. Call to police for a 15 year old daughter punching her dad in the face for not getting the present she wanted. #MerryChristmasEveryone #punchintheface #christmasfail #overheardonthescannee #newsroom
— Michael G. Seamans (@MGSphotojournal) December 25, 2017
A house full of brand new toys and what has my son been playing with for the past hour? The Celebrations tin#Christmasfail
— Sasha McLeod (@Sa5haMcLeod) December 26, 2017
Well, we needed that…