These GAS reactions to the Ed Sheeran ticket scrum sum it up

Now that the dust has settled somewhat on the absolute Hunger Games of a morning that saw the entire country attempting to nab some Ed Sheeran tickets, the reactions to the sold-out gig are pouring in. 

Most people are pretty outraged by the fact that the tickets we're sold out at one minute past 10, and the scourge that is Seatwave is taunting fans further by selling pairs of tickets for as much as €1408.86. We're serious. 

We've compiled a lost of the best reactions that pretty much sum up this whole Ed Sheeran ticket scrum in 180 characters or less.

1. This guy who's mixing metaphors like a pro.

2.  This poor soul who jumped the gun and got car park tickets instead of actual tickets.

3. Seriously, where are the people who managed to get tickets?

4. Preach.

5. The struggle was real.

6. Looks like we all got the same security question.

7. The real fans are up in arms.

8. We'd definitely fork out for that!

9. Hear hear!

10. Ah here, this is beyond ridiculous..

