These pit bull brothers and their outfit choices have made our day
Every once and a while an Instagram account comes along that brightens up our day. Today that account is The Blueboys, which follows the lives and style of pit bull brothers Darren and Philip.
There's no shortage of adorable Insta-famous furry friends, but these guys are definitely up their with our absolute favourite.
On their Instagram account the dogs are described as: "Two very silly English Staffies from Brisbane Australia. Best Friends. Best cuddlers. Pyjama wearing blanket hoggers. Lovers of life."
These guys absolutely LOVE to cuddle..
Their formal wear is on point with some seriously cool matching bow ties..
They are now our bestie goals..
They love to wear socks and we just can't deal..
They know how to look good in a onesie..
They look good doing human things..