These service dogs got treated to a day in Disneyland and loved it
If there's one thing we know for sure, it's that dogs really are too pure for this world.
Aside from being downright adorable, their loyal and caring nature is often wasted on us mere humans, and honestly they deserve so much more.
And that's not even to mention the thousands of service dogs that devote their lives to helping people with disabilities, whose good work of course earns them and extra special treat every now and again.
Yesterday Disney Land had a service dog field trip. If this isn’t the cutest thing pic.twitter.com/fGmrjqf3ln
— Nicole Brown (@NicoleTatum26) March 30, 2018
Twitter user Nicole Brown spread some joy across the internet this weekend when she posted photos of Labradors and Golden Retrievers stopping for a break while they sported their cutest Disney attire.
It was later revealed that the adorable doggos were from Canine Companions, a service which provides highly trained and skilled service dogs to people with disabilities, particularly autism.
Great ambassadors for @ccicanine….and a fun photo that’s now gone viral from a posting by one of the dogs fans! They are all very good puppies! pic.twitter.com/e0jqH3NJZY
— Laura Allen (@LA03) April 1, 2018
The field trip is just one of the ways the company rewards the dogs for all their hard work, but as well as being a fun day out, it also serves as a fundamental part of their training.
As theme parks are filled withe huge crowds, small children and loud noise, the exercise teaches the dog how to cope in stressful situations.
Our hearts ever never felt so full!
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