Things you should be doing for your health but aren’t
We all love to believe that we are doing the best for our bodies, but sometimes we can drink all the green juice in the world and if we aren’t looking after the basics, it won’t matter.
Here are five things we should be doing for our health, but may not be doing them enough – or not at all!
Getting enough sleep
Sleep is vital for your mental and physical wellbeing. Trying to work and play on three hours sleep just won’t cut it and you’ll be left drained and exhausted in no time. Aim to get seven to eight hours of sleep a night to be in peak condition.
Now, many of you may be reading this and thinking "no way, not for me" but taking time out to sit quietly and reflect can work wonders for a busy mind. It doesn’t mean you have to sit cross-legged in the traditional pose we all think of when anyone mentions meditation – do it your way. Apps like Headspace can be great to help you start out.
Make sure you are never without water and keep hydrated throughout the day. Drinking enough water is essential for focus and general health.
Ensure you get a minimum of thirty minutes of exercise a day. Though it may not feel it at the time, exercise does make you happy and is essential not only for physical wellbeing but for your mental health too. So brush off those cobwebs and get outside!
Plant-based love
Fruit and veggies are the best you can eat for your health – so make sure you are getting enough! Aim to eat fruit or vegetables with every meal you have and you’ll soon feel the effects.