Think your dog knows what you’re saying? Well, science totally agrees
Look, we don’t need some high-falutin’ scientists to tell us that our dogs know exactly what we’re saying to them on any given day, but it does give our argument a little more substance when we’re hashing it out with a non-believer.
Saying hello to your dog when it walks into the room is standard practice while mumbling sweet nothings in its ear during chill-time is legit, but now those in the know have established that our pooches are totally in tune with us.
Research conducted by scientists in Hungary has confirmed that dogs are not only capable of understanding the words we say, but even acknowledge the way in which we say them.
By recording the brain activity of a group of dogs, researchers led by Attila Andics, a research fellow at Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest, firstly ascertained that the animals have the ability to distinguish between certain words.
Further to this, they established that words which were said in a positive tone of voice garnered the strongest reaction from the group of dogs included in the research.
So does that mean you don’t need to rely on dog food reviews because now Fido can just tell you directly? Not quite. But it does mean that the study, which has been published in the journal Science, can make us feel so much better about those hour-long conversations we have with the family dog after a night in the local.