Thinking of redecorating the kitchen? Check out these themes!
If you’ve been looking at your kitchen lately wondering where it all went wrong, then perhaps it needs a bit of a revamp. And if you’re going to go to the bother of doing it up, why not pick a theme? Themes are the best! Here are our favourites!
We’re not sure we could have an Italian themed kitchen without craving a big bowl of spaghetti bolognese every time we walked in, but if you think you could handle it, the Italian look is really nice and homely!
If you live by the sea, or if you just like the colour blue, a nautical themed kitchen is really fresh and inviting. Accessorise with ropes and sea shells – lovely!
If you want your kitchen to be a natural beauty, why not try an organic theme? We bet having a theme like this would help keep you motivated to eat healthily, a pizza box just wouldn’t look right on that table!
Everything sounds better when you put the word ‘country’ in front of it – country soup, country produce, country kitchen. You’ll be just dying to whip up a few freshly made apple tarts in a kitchen like this, leaving them out on the window sill to cool, like the good old days (or just reheat the one you bought in the shop and hide the evidence!).
If you’re looking for a cool, sleek interior design, then a modern kitchen is just the thing for you. This is a clutter-free zone.
Want to feel like you’ve stepped into a time machine every time you go to make a cup of tea? Well, maybe it won’t be so extreme, but a retro kitchen will surely provide a blast from the past for your parents! It looks really cool too!
images via Pinterest