Crying with laughter? One bride’s bizarre reaction to cheating fiancé
So, if you've ever planned, been involved in or even just attended a wedding, you'll know all about the pressure and stress the day can bring.
It's not really a matter of if something will go wrong, it's a matter of when and how many times, until you eventually succumb to the fact that not everything will be perfect and it doesn't have to be.
Well, that's if the wedding even happens.
One American bridesmaid has taken to Twitter to share a dramatic tale of the wedding that never was, and oh boy are you in for a treat.
Get ready for a story a love, loss and extreme paintballing.
@starlightgeek first sparked our interest with this intriguing tweet:
Y'all. I have been having the most ridiculous 24 hours. Friend wants to keep the drama off twitter, but is okay with me saying this:
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 17, 2017
And of course, we were immediately hooked.
She caught her fiance in bed with one of her bridesmaids last night. They were supposed to be getting married today.
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 17, 2017
It was going to be a low-key backyard wedding. We're still doing the potluck & party. He's not welcome. Locks changed, etc.
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 17, 2017
I took her to the ranch overnight (got to fix my computer this morning as a result!) & we're back in Austin. Swung by my house for supplies
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 17, 2017
She's angry as hell. No tears yet. I was a bridesmaid and there was a third; 3rd and bride and I are plotting.
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 17, 2017
It gets better.
This bride wasn't wasting any tears and instead had the perfect reaction to her finance's infidelity.
Quick update: potluck was fun, his crap is cleared out, and now we are dancing to a good DJ and shooting paintballs at her dress. A+
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 18, 2017
update: Everyone is now calling them "painballs" and I just can't
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 18, 2017
But wait – PLOT TWIST.
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 18, 2017
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 18, 2017
everyone here is screaming and gathered around an ipad
the bride is on the grass crying with laughter
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 18, 2017
she managed to choke out "I didn't dodge a bullet; I dodged a fucking atomic bomb" oh my gods this is just
what is happening
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 18, 2017
Shitty Bridesmaid is boasting how they're going on a REAL honeymoon. We *were* taking bets on whether it would be a tacky resort in Mexico
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 18, 2017
or a cliche trip to Paris, but the Bride announced that he's not leaving the country; she's got his passport
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 18, 2017
Wouldn't surprise us to be honest…
We are now taking bets on whether she's going to livestream the wedding night.
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 18, 2017
But of course, the bride did what we would all do in that situation…
Oh btw Ex and Bride had a shared bank account for their honeymoon (they were planning on Scotland in late autumn). She drained & closed it
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 18, 2017
while waiting for me to pick her up last night. She's changed the passwords on all her accounts (including her Netflix, ofc).
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 18, 2017
What. A. Rollercoaster.
We're all here, fiercely loving on her and supporting her. It's been a hell of a day.
— Donate 2 DVshelters! (@starlightgeek) June 18, 2017