This changes EVERYTHING: Ryan Gosling was almost in Gilmore Girls
Late last year, it was announced that Gilmore Girls would be making its long-awaited on-screen comeback in the form of four 90 minute Netflix episodes.
Ever since the news broke, trickles of information about the highly anticipated reboot have been fed to fans along with nostalgia-inducing trivia about the original show.
The latest instalment of this trivia features one of Hollywood’s hottest heartthrobs.
Speaking at The Gilmore Girls Fan Festival this weekend, casting director Jami Rudofsky revealed that Ryan Gosling almost landed a role in the hit Warner Bros. series.
“When I was a very wee casting person, I was casting an independent movie for no money,” explained Jami.
“This guy came in, and he was late, and I rolled my eyes because he was late, and he was blonde. I thought he was giving attitude ― what I didn’t realise was that he was in character. He did the audition, and it was one of the most amazing auditions that I’ve ever seen.”
On the back of this incident, The Notebook star was invited to audition for a football player role in Gilmore Girls but – in a scenario which pretty much alters the history of GG fans’ lives – his audition failed to impress.
“[I’d] kept him in my mind, and I was thinking ‘I can’t wait for them to meet him.’ And I am talking him up,” continued Jami.
“So he came in, I think it was a football character? I don’t even remember…He auditioned, and it kind of fell flat.”
With that heart wrenching piece of history in mind, watching Gilmore Girls this November is going to be beyond emosh.
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